Before adjusting your valves did you adjust your cam chain to take the slack out of it?
If you think you may have adjusted your valves wrong you need to go back and just check them.
After you check each one and you are sure it is within in limits then you will know you have done it correctly.
To check them do this:
If the clearance is supposed to be .004 thousandths,... take a .005 thickness gauge and try to insert it.
If it will not go then you must have the .004 as specified. Check it with the .004 as a final check just to make sure it is not .003.
Same for the intake. If it is supposed to be .003 then take a .004 thicKness gauge and try to inset it. If it will not go then you have .003 and it is correct. Check it with the .002 as a final check just to make sure it is not .002.
See what I mean?
About the leaking float bowl drain.
On the 1977 carbs if it has the accelerator pump you will need to do 4 things.
1. Remove the carbs. No way out.
2. Remove the float bowl after you have drained the gas out. And make sure the small O ring is in the
top edge of the float bowl where the accelerator pump check valve is.
3. Turn the carbs upside down and check the float level.
4. Fire the guy that rebuilt the carbs. Do not let him work on your bike anymore.
Also if he did not put in NEW float needles then you will have to put in new float needles.
You cannot rebuild motorcycle carbs and not put in new float needles.
If the floats are this style then this is what it will look like when the floats are .570 above the surface of the carb body when the carbs are upside down.
Do not push down on the floats to make this line up. Make adjustments to the float tang to line it up.
On a Roadstar Adventure.