carb pod filters

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carb pod filters

I've gotten two different stories on instaling pod airfilters on my 75 cb750k. some one told me that if i did i would have to rejet the carborators. and some one else told me i wouldnt have to. both were credible sorces, but i still dont know if i can.
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Re: carb pod filters

Both of them right. it depend on your carb. After change air filter box, may be you need change jet size or not . it up to your carb. hange airbox first and try to run, if every thing ok, keep they lik ethat. If bike run not smooth, have flat some position of choke, change the size of main jet.
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Re: carb pod filters

In reply to this post by ddecory75
I used foam filters on my 72 750. I found after many many trials that the main jet needed to increased up one size and the needles needed to be set in 3rd (second to richest setting). Bike runs good but I could not get the idle just right and smooth. I finally settled for setting idle at 1200 and enjoying the ride. I think the 900 idle needs the airbox for vacuum.
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Re: carb pod filters

In reply to this post by ddecory75
Im looking to do the same. Ive heard that its hit or miss. meaning, sometimes you do, sometimes you dont.