fork gaitors

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fork gaitors

can anyone tell me where I can find a good set of fork gaitors for a 79K? Or will the gaitors for sohc cb750s work?
1979 CB750K
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Re: fork gaitors


   The one's I got from Vintage 750 didn't last at all,
  When you order they will ask for tube size N / or year.
                            1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal,  Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
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Re: fork gaitors

thanks man. I'm checking out the ones over at cycle x, but I'm not sure if they're for sohc or dohc... I'm gonna call them in the morning.
1979 CB750K
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Re: fork gaitors

The gaitors on my blue bike were made for a DOHC. They fit the legs of the 81C forks I had perfectly. When I put them on the SOHC forks the bottoms fit the legs just right,but the top part on the tubes were too small. I cut a piece of radiator hose and wrapped it around the tubes it and it worked out great IMO. I actually like the fact that they are big. I think it makes it look beefier. I don't know where they came from. Slownugly007 gave them to me. You might be able to PM him and find out what they are
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Re: fork gaitors

In reply to this post by alehman
You can order them from any supplier.  You will need the OD of the upper, and lower, tubes.  I fitted my '79 K with a set, secured with black zip ties, top and bottom (really had to look to see the zip ties).  The '79 K's were not designed for them, but they are easy to retro-fit.

The reason I installed a pair was to prevent bug chiton/body bits from impacting the fork tubes, and subsequently cutting the fork seals as they compressed, causing them to leak.  By installing gators, you can double the life of the fork seals.  Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII