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Hey everyone!
I came here like a year ago and scoped out tons of great advice! I work was way too much, so I spent the last year working on my first bike and its killing me,I'm so close!! You've all helped me aton already,looking thru threads...So thanks to everyone in advance, ha! (All the noobs like me say that) lol
Here we go: 78 cb750k
Mostly stock, except 4 into 1 krager, pods, drag bar, New ignition, pulled fuse box-New insulated blades, new tail lights, ha!
.... I got the bike for 750$ from my cousin, I'm a self learned wrencher and I know I'm 99 percent there! Here's where I'm stuck...
Last week I had this baby TOTALLY growling! In the garage, ran sea foam thru her, was about 2 years ago she ran last w my cousin...he had pulled the wiring, which seemed to be oe, everything but the head light was cake... he rode it last so he test drive it with no had light, some wires hanging in the hl basket ( I should add: the ONLY issues/what wasn't hooked up was, oil light, neutral and Speedo/tach lights...)
...I don't have tons of riding experience, dirt bikes as a kid, first bike, lol...
I GOTTA have a neutral light....Anyways
In the head light wiring I have 3 green grounds that all the components go to and 2 black grounds...all my head light, high beam, turn signal, front/rear light/switches fur brakes work.... everything, but Speedo/tach, neutral, oil...
I got a clymer manual, tons of on line schematics, it all looks right! It makes sense! But when I try to ground my last remaining components, oil, neutral, Speedo/tach the s/t blinks with the turn signals and my oil and neutral doesn't work...
In between last week's running of the bike I HAD the neutral light working and would start it up and idle to keep my fire burning to hop on and ride...so oil and Speedo/tach was all that was left...somehow! When attempting to get those done I lost my neutral light!! I know I'm not losing oil and I'd hook up a gauge anyway after I handle this!
So.... I've also ran oil and neutral light to the black and the lights do work...
Why does the Speedo/tach blink with the signals, but the headlight never does?
And no matter where I'm putting the oil, neutral green grounds I never seem to find the right combination? All my wiring seems flawless...only grounding these components!!
I'm gonna keep tinkering, thought I'd whip this, but gotta post and get in on the question asking!!
Thanks again!
78 cb750k
first bike! adrenaline junkie...
Columbus Ohio
guitars,graffiti and gears!!!