Sorry if bothers some BUT MUST BE KNOWN TO ALL
Brothers Posting 3/22/13
....."JUST VENTING"......For those of you who know, and for those who don't. My beautiful wife has been fighting a disease called "GILLIAN BERET SYNDROME" for the past year and a half now. The physical therapy (to walk) is slow but getting better. It's been super hard on her and myself, just not knowing "when" she's gonna get better or even "if" she gets better.......that's the most stressful thin...g right now is the "if" part. According to the critics she will walk again !!! Well today she was admitted to the hospital again, the "Warfran" medicine she was taking put a hole in her stomach ....not good ...she's in no pain,but they still gotta figure if there gonna do surgery ....not good !!......My story can go on forever on what's going threw my head and my wifes, I just needed to vent and let my family n friends know what's going on here........LIFE IS ON HOLD TILL GOD FIGURES IT OUT .......I GOTTA STAY STRONG FOR MY WIFE...IT'S HARD, BUT THROUGH SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH .....THAT'S WHAT I'M HERE FOR !!!!See More— with Carrie & Mike
WEDDING PHOTO aprox 3yr's ago(Lake Wausau)

She just getting strength in her legs to walk (HAS BEEN OVER A YEAR)
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,