I doubt it is the float bowl but there is one thing that can happen.
Look with a magnifying glass at the brass overflow tube in the float bowl you may see a vertical
hairline crack. If so just clean it with sand paper or steel wool and solder the crack.
But the most likely culprit is the float valve.
When the float bowl is off, turn on the gas for a second with a rag in your hand or metal cup and when the gas starts to flow, gently lift up the float. The gas should stop completely.
IF it does not stop draining gas then you need to replace the float needle and also check the adjustment by the book.
You may just need to remove the float and float pin and let gas drain out to clean out the float needle.
Float needles get worn from vibration and can start leaking. They need to be replaced every couple of years.
There are all metal float needles and there are rubber tip float needles.
If it is metal needle then you need to replace the needle and the seat.
If it is rubber, just replace the needle.
On a Roadstar Adventure.