master cylinder 80 cb750c

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master cylinder 80 cb750c

the pip
Ive got a 1980 cb750c and the cup cap and diaphram needs to be replaced.  its quite rare and expensive for new parts, (duh) is there a possibility i could use a whole new master cylinder assembly say from a 650 or 900 around the same year?  

all opinions are welcome

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Re: master cylinder 80 cb750c

Yes it is possible. I would look for one that has the same setup if possible. AKA- dual front disc or single disc brake setup. You may need to do some work on the brake light wiring though. I have put honda master cylendars on kawasaki's. Allot depends on how inventive you need to be. Does your MC have 2 or 4 screws in the cap or is it the round one?
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Re: master cylinder 80 cb750c

the pip
4 screws
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Re: master cylinder 80 cb750c

  I can look and see what I have but mine probably is old too. I have bought some of those rebuild kits from a guy on Ebay. He give about a 10% discount if you buy from his store.
  I have bought allot of carb rebuild kits, floats, engine gasket rebuild kits for them. The also have a tool to set the float height on motorcycle carbs but he wants about $40 for it.
  The store web site is
I may have the cup and cap the cup will sun fadded though. I think they want about 40-50 for that on Ebay which to me is to much but I have paid it to get it.
 I have Siriusconinos as a favorite seller.
I'll let you know what I have at home. I doubt I have the inside seals ETC since I used them from a fron to rebuild my rear mastercylendar on my 78 supersport

--- On Sat, 6/12/10, the pip [via Honda CB750'S] <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: the pip [via Honda CB750'S] <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: master cylinder 80 cb750c
To: "vern401" <[hidden email]>
Date: Saturday, June 12, 2010, 9:43 PM

4 screws

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Re: master cylinder 80 cb750c

In reply to this post by the pip
Oh the cx 500's used the same cup.