parting out 82 cb750 custom

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parting out 82 cb750 custom

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Selling everything off my 82 besides the frame wheels and motor. Make offers on what you need. I'm near pittsburgh pa and will ship at buyers expense. If the image isn't up  I'll try again when I get home. Thanks guys.    

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Re: parting out 82 cb750 custom

Is it much trouble to get a better picture of the crash bar/ case saver thing across the front? I'm pretty interested in that. Thanks.
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Re: parting out 82 cb750 custom

Classic Love
In reply to this post by asta430
I have an '81 cb750 F. The left side cover panel recently went missing which, of the pair, I believe the most important as it covers many more of the electrical components than the right. If the pair of panels are available and interchangeable, I'd like to purchase! I just started searching so I have no idea how difficult it's going to be to locate replacements. I welcome any input, knoweledge and suggestions! This forum has been a life saver! Thank you.

Best regards
Loving my '81 F Super Sport
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Re: parting out 82 cb750 custom

In reply to this post by shinyribs
Yes I'll get a picture of the crash bars today. And the panels I'm not sure on how interchangeable they are but I do have both sides.
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Re: parting out 82 cb750 custom

In reply to this post by asta430
Hey, do you still have the charging system? Alternator rotor? Rectifier? Ect... please give me a call.                805 701 1290