parts compatabilty..75 frame and 81 front end

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parts compatabilty..75 frame and 81 front end

I have a 1975 cb750 k5 frame that im looking to put together.  Ive come across a 1981 ss front end and just wondering if anyone knows whether the two are compatable or not.  Or maybe if anyone know any website that has parts compatability...

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Re: parts compatabilty..75 frame and 81 front end

should able to use the trpple trees and get er done
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Re: parts compatabilty..75 frame and 81 front end

i believe there is an issue of size and bearing type between the pre-80 and later triple trees, but yes, you will need to change trees to use the newer forks. if all you have is the forks, they will be much bigger than the stock 75 forks, and won't fit the stock trees unless you get them machined out to fit. easier [and safer] to find a set of newer trees and get them to fit the frame.