I stripped appart my swingarm....
Wanted to see how it is (condition) inside there...
I was surprise to discover that there is absolutely no grease on the long bolt...
I tried to pull out the bushings and the inner core (according to the part list ther is something inside there beetween the bushings) impossible to pull anything out from there....(only the bolt came out)
Dont know.....wtf?? how does all work together?? Wich part is moving ?? the core? the bolt?
I used a grease gun to figure out how the grease spread in there.....the only grease i saw was commin out of the area where the bushing is in contact with the FRAME...and believe me i had to press like hell on the grease gun handle to get something commin out.
Tell me....where goes the grease?? what part is supposed to move??
You can give too much information (if i have'nt been clear enough) its always welcome...
There's not much info in my shop manual related to swingarm....
Please excuse the poor quality of my english....I'm french canadian...

Thank you all!! Nice forum!
1976 cb750 k6 (rebuilding)
1972 cb750 k2 (project)
1986 kawa ex500
1987 shadow 1100
2005 suzuki katana750
2008 klr650
2009 pair of adidas