As much as I wish I could its not feasible for me to work on 2 bikes at once. Let alone let the other one sit around rusting away. So I have decided to sell the 1975 CB750 K5. I picked up awhile back on a deal for the parts bike. At the time it didn't have a title or a key but it does have a clear title now in my name waiting to be transfered over to its new owner as well as a new key. I'd like to get the money I got invested in this bike back.
Needs work. Doesn't run due to not getting spark and needs carbs cleaned/rebuilt. Just needs some tlc. These bike practically run forever.
Also the left over parts from the parts bike are included.
$400 FIRM. Monies from this sale goes toward funding the Super Sport
Call/text 216-210-6968 for more info.

Cleveland, Ohio
1975 CB750F Super Sport: currently restoring
1975 CB750K : for sale or trade