............................................................... I'm out to be safe and you ?...............................................
So every bike I have ever had was setup wrong ?
If it's not maintained right maybe so.
And what happens then when you get knocked off
I have no Idea I've never heard of anybody getting knocked off there bike,(be glad your not on it if it goes down)
or something worse
Esperance can only answer that and it takes years of having an open mind and understanding Motorcycle safety
and the throttle is stuck open ?
HIT THE KILL SWITCH (IF BROKEN)do your best N down shift slowly,will hurt bike but works
I've had lots of friends and couple family die due to not giving the motorcycle respect,
STRAIGHT OUT motorcycles are dangerous and if you don't think more on maintaining the bike towards saftey maintainace and taking ever precation you can .

SOMETIME THE TRUTH hurts.and I'm off the wall going this far into something that can't be understood by.........(thoughs that don't ride regularly to understand)
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,