A sex magnet huh? Not on a cafe you don't!

See you have a couple issues. First, with clubmans, you either have to sit further back or hunch over like a monkey humping a doorknob! Not a sexy look, picture a dog taking a dump

Part of the cafe look is the seat shape. Now you could get low rise bars instead of clubmans thus avoiding the hunched look.
Now you could maybe raise the forks in the tree a bit to lower the front and then if you get shorter shocks for the back, you wont throw off the dimensions so much.
I hate to say it but the 80s bikes do not lend themselves to the cafe look too much, they seem better suited to a "chopper" or bobber look.
For that look, your biggest obstacle it the front end. You cant just toss on longer forks as you screw up the geometry and it looks dumb. So you need to cut off the neck and reweld it to accommodate the longer forks. The get yourself some K wheels with the spokes as spokes are chopper really, same with cafe though.
Those wheels I think will still work with your calipers but I dont know.
While you do the front, take into account either slapping om struts to make a hard tail or shorty shocks.
Then I think your seat, if it is still stepped like stock, should be ok. Toss on a sissy bar and it should look good. I think your C tank should be good too.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!