Love this bike i bought 100 miles away then rode it home. Then the expense and breakdowns on the road, of no charging of the battery dogged it for the whole summer untill the system was fixed by a local Hungarian bike shop in Hayes, London. Rode it all around the place, then after comeing back from the south of Poland, it didn't charge again. Put a new stator, Regulator/rectifier, and rotor on, cleaned all the terminals
plus diaelectric grease,and all connections on the whole bike, put a heavey duty eath lead from the battery to the engine block. It charges a good 14 volts at about 3000 rpm. But after commutting about 5 hours off London traffic the battery is dead. I can't resolve this and now carry a spare battery to work in my rucksack along with my sandwiches.
Help please Jim Aykroyd.