Dude, we have the honda shop manual right on this site. Much better than a clymer!

Sounds like you are most likely running very rich.
You cleaned the carbs but did you pull the jets out and clean them? Those are the important things to make sure are clean.
Also, the air screws should be removed and cleaned and then when you put them back in, lightly seat them and then turn them out about 1.75 turns or so I think, the manual will tell you for sure.
Also, what air filter did you get? The stock honda is best followed by a k&n and Uni filter. I know there are cheaper ones but they actually filter too much and cause the bike to run rich. I had one of the cheap ones and it was built well but too restrictive.
Another thing, what sparkplugs do you have? They should be D8EA.
What color are the tips of the spark plugs? A light brown should be about right.
Clean the plugs and test things are various RPMs. Idle and the wide open on the road.
A high speed chop is when you start in 1st and accel hard and run though the gears all wide open.
The hit the kill switch and pull the clutch right away and come to a stop.
Using gloves, remove the plugs and see what color they are.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!