78 cb750f project bike value

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78 cb750f project bike value

There is a 78 cb 750f ( the super sport ) with only 7300 miles on parked outside in the bushes next to my house. It is pretty straight... rust is just starting to get to it... It hasn't been registered since 98 and run for several years. The front brakes are frozen. When I kick it I get a full stroke in. Obviously it doesn't run. The clear coat on the tank is coming off.... all the plasitic on the handlebars is faded... the seat is toast... the side covers are cracked but the chrome covers all look good.

Basically, it is a really nice bike that has been stored outside with little care or cover for at least the last three years. The owner claims its worth 700 as is due to its classic status... I tell him its worth 700 if he can start it and that I would take it off his hands for 200 as is. He then claims he can part it out and make more than that.... you can see where this is going.

The reality is the current owner is an idiot who bought a nice bike, then parked it outside for 3 years.... now its almost dead.

What is the value of the bike for fixer upper?

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Re: 78 cb750f project bike value

Oh, and the tires look new and are not cracking. Looking for a high and low value on this.....
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Re: 78 cb750f project bike value

In reply to this post by Theronn
I'd stick with the $200 and tell him if he wants to part it out then fine.
You have to be willing to walk away.
Restoring that bike would easily cost $2000 and more.
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Re: 78 cb750f project bike value

In reply to this post by Theronn
Tell him there is no way he will get what he thinks the bike is worth. The parts will not sell for squat unless he wants to put in time to recondition them. I do agree with him that 200 is a low ball. He could make almost that just off the wheels alone. I would offer 400 but no more than 500.
Redoing the bike may be expensive but maybe not as much as your think depending on how much you do and where you get the parts.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: 78 cb750f project bike value

In reply to this post by Polymer-2
I live in Alaska... parts will be hard to find.... I am going to offer 300... then walk away if he says no.
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Re: 78 cb750f project bike value

Print up some cards with your name and number on them then offer him $300.
If he says no hand him a card and tell him if he changes his mind to give you a call then walk away.
Bet you get a call in a few days or weeks.
I've done that many times and it works a surprisingly high percentage of the time.