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Anybody ever try an eBay front brake master cylinder??

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Anybody ever try an eBay front brake master cylinder??

193 posts
I've been looking for a new front brake master cylinder for my 1980 cb750k. I am new to these parts and am wondering if the front brake master cylinders from ebay that look like Nissin ones are any good?

Here's the link.

1980 cb750k
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Re: Anybody ever try an eBay front brake master cylinder??

3494 posts
I guess it depends if it can move enough fluid for 2 calipers. Also, if it is a no name brand, parts may be impossible to get for it.

Otherwise, there should be no reason it shouldn't work. It is just a simple hydraulic piston.
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Re: Anybody ever try an eBay front brake master cylinder??

193 posts
Hmm, well, it has a 17mm piston, so it should be enough to move fluid to my single front caliper. It might be worth at least trying.
1980 cb750k
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Re: Anybody ever try an eBay front brake master cylinder??

10054 posts
Stock bore size is 14mm. Too big of a bore won't make your brakes feel stronger,it'll actually feel dead. You'll have to pull the lever harder because mechanical leverage is going away with the larger bores.

Get a mc of a late 90's CBR (F2 or F3). Cheap on ebay (like, $20-30),rebuild kits are readily available,too. They have an adjustable lever,too, which is nice for putting it where it feels good to you. The integrated fluid reservoir keeps the bars looking tidy IMO. They clear the switchgear fine,too. $0.02.