Motor is free, sounds and feels good.
Took off some crap, hiway bars big mirrors,
set the bars for starters, just to get an idea
on the lines the bike has.
After thinking about it for a week,
I'm going for something like Manuel has going on.
A lean bobber wanna bee look that can be brought back to original.
Bars, something short, a Bates style seat with maybe a PPad.
Anyway, I'm gonna start with the carbs, maybe pick up a battery this week.
  was thinkin', I get a K model dohc, I'd have all 3 from that era..............
 Get to cuttin'!!!!!!!!!!!
We need a good,documented start to finish bobber build on here. No pressure...all eyes on you.lol
Did I read A new build thread? Nice.  Looks and sounds like you are of to a good start. Get her running then start the bobbering.
Simple if some one else can, why can't I
Gonna keep an eye on this one to see what somebody else can do with a "C" model.
81 Honda CB750C - Current Project
67 BSA Spitfire MkIII - Next Up (Full Resto)
81 Honda GL1100 - Bob / CafeĀ“
80 Suzuki GS750L - Bratstyle
72 Honda CB450K5 - Basket Case
73 Honda CB350F Cafe' (Gone but not forgotten)
Don't wait for opportunity to knock... kick the door down and drag the old harlot in!
Hey, this ain't gonna be a Hoosier or Lucky or Tools or Seez or Sgt Slag thing.
If I can get half as good an ending as some of that stuff, I'll be happy.
With maybe half of the bike torn down, biggest issues so far,
keys don't work anything
someone had gotten the pilot and main jets mixed up on the #2 carb (68s and 105s)
the air screw has been broken off, the #1 carb
front forks won't hold air, leave it on the sidestand and in a few hrs it's ready to fall on it's right side
and the speedo'tach are for another model
plus side.......gas in tank wasn't bad at all, drained in a clear jar, all clear, .......it's a clean tank
electric rotor and new stator check out with an ohmmeter
carbs looked like they were drained, they were off the bike, no gunk at all  keys, carbs and battery are the main thing right now. later all gradoooooooooooo
A quick update guys.
Get the carbs back today, 20 bucks and the broken airscrew is out.
Besides losing the jet, all looks good.
gonna have to get a carb rebuild kit.
Pulled the backs brakes apart, cleaned and lubed everything,
scuffed the shoes and it's back together.
Found a seat I think will work.
Off an 80s gpz 750, there should be an aftermarket cover out there.
If I can make up a small cafe type rear fender, and some sidecovers to kinda match,
match the paint on the tank to pull it together, it might work.
Get some pinstriping to match and follow what's already there.
Amazing what a few inches off the thickness of the seat does for the look of it.
Thinking about trying some pods, especially if I get a bunch of them in a rebuild kit.
The shiny ones with the fine brass screen.
A small front fender, tight like my F model. with maybe some smaller, mounted closer turn signals.   later guys ggggrado
 I kinda dig the look of that old tire. I wonder of they are still available new anywhere?
<     Well, went over the rear of the chassis, cleaned and lubed swingarm, rear brake,
found a seat that might work, am now on the front. The forks were a hassle getting apart,
but all that's been done. New oil (went with 20w), seals looked good, but the front brakes are a mess.
Lever and resivour are toast, the calipers need a rebuild kit (both pistons need replacing also) too.
All the pads are good, as are the chain and sprockets. Got the key to work the ignition and helmet lock,
just oiled and messed with them, but the gas tank cap, I had it work once but can't get it off again.
Hoping to get the chassis sorted out this week, carb parts coming in tomorrow.
I'm digging the lean look, need to find some real small turn signals, and a set of bars like the ones on my F model. Next week should be interesting.............
 Starting to look good. I wanted to mention that it looks like you're missing your flasher relay. I'd recommend getting an electronic one if you do in fact need to replace it. Will work with the existing lights and LED ones if you choose to go with them later to lower power draw.
Hey hey Manuel............ya, I'm missing a few things.
Got the front back together, the carb kit came in, they're back together and mounted,
I don't feel good about them, saw one or 2 things that might bite me when I fill her up but I'm moving on....
gotta get the gas tank cap figured out......that and a few other things and I'm gonna try and start it up.
  Painted the battery cage, got a set of shocks coming, gotta find a caliper rebuild kit, front light,
and decide where to look for some small LEDs for the turn signals.
The stock ones make it look like a Police bike.
 I'm happy so far, it's gonna be a good looking bike that stops and handles decent,
and runs like a bat outta hell
motogrady wrote
... it's gonna be a good looking bike that stops and handles decent,
and runs like a bat outta hell 
 And that's what it's all about!
You got that right Shiney.
Hey Shiney, I know, you just took some time off,
but take a look at the "coming events" thread.
This weekend,
saturday is the big day for us,
would be great if you and a few from the board
could make it.
All my brothers in arms, are more than welcome.
I'm setting up a spot in the swapmeet area, a red ezup
with some parts and maybe the Montesa for sale.
The MotoRally is Friday, but I'm thinking about doing the route
again on Saturday afternoon or evening.
No money or anything, just a ride with a few friends if they want to see a few backroads of WVA.
Well guys, been pecking away.
airbox, battery cage, in and started wiring stuff up.
Used a rely off an old riding lawnmower,
filled and charged a new battery,
and poof, it turned over.
The gas tank, what a hassle.
Ended up taking a hacksaw, snips, a screwdricer,
a drill, a hammer and a small pry bar, but got the cap off.
Keys worked everything but the cap.
Used maybe a gallon of petrol and just flushed the tank out.
Put an inline filter in with a new fuel line.
Went to mount the tank and the petcock ended up hitting the motor.
Made up a set of spacers to lift the rear of the tank for clearance, that worked.
In went a gallon and a half of 93, put a rag under the carbs, and turned on reserve.
Tapping all the time, the # 2 started overflowing a bit, but I couldn't wait, there was a rag there,
I pulled the choke, hit the button and it lit up on the 3rd try.
 Anyway, found 2 turns out on pilots, I can control idle pretty good with the knob.
Motor sounded good, but needs syncing or something.
My F model, hit the gas and it's zingga, zinga........almost like a 2 stroke.......this one
it's a varoom, varoom......kinda like the SOHC I had years ago.
Looks like a manometer/sync job is in order.
Anyways, I'm happy as a pig in, well, I'm happy.
Another week or so, maybe.

Yay! Life! Always a good feeling. Tuned in a waiting to see what's next...
Sounds like some real progress! Congrats...Keep it up.
81 Honda CB750C - Current Project
67 BSA Spitfire MkIII - Next Up (Full Resto)
81 Honda GL1100 - Bob / CafeĀ“
80 Suzuki GS750L - Bratstyle
72 Honda CB450K5 - Basket Case
73 Honda CB350F Cafe' (Gone but not forgotten)
Don't wait for opportunity to knock... kick the door down and drag the old harlot in!
This post was updated on .
Looks like you will be buying some new screws
for the carbs that someone buggered up.
Hey how about this kind of look.

On a Roadstar Adventure.
That's where it looks like it's heading Lucky.
I'm conflicted tho.
A friend stopped by yesturday, had a guy with him that was real interested in what I had going on.
Maybe some of the good mood that comes with starting something for the first time rubbed off.
I wasn't trying to sell anything, just talking bikes along with where and when this one came from.
And what it is gonna be.
The guy asked what it would be worth, hadn't even thought about selling it, heck,
if I have 600 in it I'd be surprised.
I thought about the hours I've got in it, and what the bike is, and said "around 3 grand."
Now he wants me to call him when it's finished.
I found another one already, it's waiting in the back of an old gas station.
An '81 K model, missing a headlight, good paper, the guy wants 500 but told me to make an offer.
Winter is coming.
3 grand, I bet over the winter I could dig 6 of these DOHCs up for 500 each.
Do I keep this one, a bike with 2400 miles on it, or sell and really go at it with Spring in mind?
Cash is king IMO. And building something new is always fun. My $0.02 : Build it, sell it, make money then do it again. I bet whatever you build this time you will end up with ways to make it ''better'' next time. It always happens that way. Sell this one and build the ''better' one as a keeper. All the while making profit.
I never get out of it what I put into it.
The buyer always ends up getting one hell of a deal.
Otherwise no sale.
I could wait but how long would I have to wait. Months? Years?
On a Roadstar Adventure.