Bike Photography

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Bike Photography

My wife has been learning photography. We recently had a lot of fun "doing a shoot" of my last project. I've already posted a pic of it but am doing it again now, realizing what a difference skill makes in taking the pics. I confess my pride in my bike, largely because of the reaction to it everywhere I went, and because it never let me down, even after many miles of hard riding this summer. I must have taken 50 shots of it with my iPhone but until my wife shot it properly, it just never looked very special. So here are a couple of examples. thought this might be something you may have experienced with your own cameras.
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Re: Bike Photography

Nice. Love the dirt road. All my shots are on dirt roads (only way to get to and from my house).
89 VN 750A - Given to son-in-law
79 CB 750K-sold 3 May 21
78 CB 750K
77 CB 750K
77 GL 1000 x 2
77 CB 550F
Holton, KS, US
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Re: Bike Photography

In reply to this post by QuebecBob
tres nice
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