Bought a project and new to the site

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Bought a project and new to the site

So been thinking about it for a while now,but finally pulled the trigger this week
Bought a 74 750k and I am planning to restore it to somewhere near its former glory
Hopefully it will keep me busy over the long Canadian winter
I guess I will be a frequent visiter to this site looking for both advice and parts
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Re: Bought a project and new to the site

Well looks like you have an easy base to start with. Mostly cosmetic from the looks of things.
I would probably get a compression tester with either a small diameter line or a hard line and test the engine.
You can get your compression numbers and do a leak down and see if the engine is worn. If it isn't, you should have no problem getting things done on it.

Other than paint, looks like exhaust is the worst of it.

Partsnmore is in Canada and is another good source.

We have a list of online stores for parts and don't forget to grab the manual!

Welcome and don't be afraid to ask questions or join in on other things.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Bought a project and new to the site

Thanks for the welcome Re-run
All sorts of things going on in my head at the moment and lots of part sites visited
I guess there is everything you need providing you have the $$$
So I intend to strip it down to the frame  (powder coat or paint?)
I am also planning a complete strip down of the motor and rebuild
then put it back together with good quality parts
I know it may cost a bit and will likely go over budget but I think I want to be as true to the original as possible
hopefully I can document some of the build on this site and I may be asking a few questions
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Re: Bought a project and new to the site

Welcome to the forum. Good luck on your project. Chances are that motor doesn't need rebuilt. They are notoriously reliable and long lasting. 100,000 miles in not unheard of.

If you determined to crack open the motor...why not go 836? Or more!