Free fix for leaky fork seals

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Free fix for leaky fork seals


This  works on ANY bike. Remember, even if temporary this fix works, is free (with an old film strip) and can save you on a trip and save money as many have found the fix to work long term.

My Venture developed a leak in the Right fork. The only solution for leaky fork seals is a new seal...right? WRONG!
If you have some old 35mm picture packs around, you can do it for free with a strip of 35mm film negative. Trust me, I did this and it works like a charm.

The reason most seals leak is they get dirty from inside. If you take a strip of film negative (trim the "sprockets" off because they can break off, so the sides are smooth, and round the corners of one end) and after raising up the dust seal, slip the negative under the fork seal, keeping it tight to the fork tube. The film will go in the seal maybe 1/2" or so. Stop at that point and then carefully and slowly just slide the negative around the tube, keeping it mostly vertical with the tube. Do this about 2-3 times, just sliding it around the tube with it under the seal. Remove the film and wipe down the tube, and test it by bouncing. It should stay dry. If you notice any more oil, try it again. But it shouldn't need it.

My fork was dribbling down the fork while sitting and while it was being ridden leaking on the rotor. Since the "fix" my forks are bone dry.

Try it, all you have to loose is one film strip (make it one you don't care about!).

1981 CB750K

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Re: Free fix for leaky fork seals

Awesome idea! Thanks Cabreco
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Re: Free fix for leaky fork seals

In 1972 I had to make a choice...quit riding...or quit drinking.  God says it's safe to get back in the saddle least I'm still alive...and feel more alive with the wind in my face!  Now riding "Helen Black"...1982  CB750SC.
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Re: Free fix for leaky fork seals

In reply to this post by Cabreco
im acually going to try this tommrow and let you know because forks are expensive do i need to pull the dust seal down then put the film negative up into the fork seal?
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Re: Free fix for leaky fork seals

In reply to this post by Cabreco
As I started to pry up the dust seal, it seemed to be pretty tight which is normal, I'm guessing.  What is the best way to get them the rest of the way loose?
Phil. 4:13 " I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"
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Re: Free fix for leaky fork seals

I used 2 flatblade screwdrivers, one big and one small.

I didn't tape the small screwdriver as that made it too thick to get underneath the dust cover. To avoid accidental slippage & scatches, place a finger over it as you work the screwdriver upward with your other hand.

Once the Dust cover has been raised up a bit, a small flatblade will be useless. Switch to a bigger flatblade screwdriver  with tape on the tip get the rest of the dust seal up.

1981 CB750K

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Re: Free fix for leaky fork seals

Thanks!  And what is the safest and most efficient way to reinstall the cover?
Phil. 4:13 " I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"
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Re: Free fix for leaky fork seals

Just apply some grease to the outer edge of the dust cover to help slip it back in place & tap it down. I use a tiny dead blow hammer & a flat plastic tool used to install windshields, but I'm sure a screwdriver handle will do nicely.

1981 CB750K
