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Hello all

18 posts
I am new to your site and thought I would send out a hello. As you may have guessed by my sign on I ride a 74 Honda CB750 k that I have been doing my best to Cafe' out. I am no bike builder but I think it is coming along nicely. I have put most of the polishing work on hold so I can ride thru the summer and then the motor in coming back out to be painted and that's when the polishing will take place. So let me know what you think,be honest I can take it.
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Re: Hello all

69 posts
It looks fabulous.  Great work.  But where are the details man!

I see you have removed the front fender.  Have you experienced any issues with this?  i.e. keeping the speedo cable away from the wheel?

What treatment did you give the master cylider, it looks polished from here?  

youve got pod filters.  Did you change the carb needles?  What size are the cylinders now?  are they new pipes?

How do you find that seating position with the rear controls?


If you are looking for a critique, Id suggesting finding a shorter clutch cable and taco cable and/or finding some way of keeping them tucked away.  They ruin the minimalist look of the front end.  Also I think the tank needs a pin strip or two which highlights the lines of the tank and tie in with the white beading on the seat cushion.

Just my thoughts.

Great work.

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Re: Hello all

18 posts
Oh yes the details
1974 cb 750k
22,000 miles or so
picked it up for $200us
motor reworked but still stock for now
bucket load of parts from my man Carrpy(great stuff)
put together in garage with bucket of mixed wrenches and zero skill

Thanks for the input Tim. Like I said before I will be putting a lot of work into polishing this winter and I think that will make a big change in this bike. I put a good chunk of change in the motor this year having it pulled apart and resealed. Now it seems that I have really blown that money now that I plan to go with a 836 kit this winter. But this way I know I am dealing with a good strong motor and not putting the kit and other work into a total crap bucket.
I have not had any trouble with the no fender front end. I am 6-3 and 335lbs. and it is fine. I have been looking into shorter cables but my local Honda dealers seem to be real dumb in this department. I dont know anything about tying to shorten the ones I have so I am going out to a performance shop this week to see about haveing some made. I would realy like to have throttle, speed,tac,and clutch custom made to fit my dike if I can find a shop in my area to do it.
The master cylinder as it sits has 5 coats primer, 7 coats metalic silver and 7 coats clear as does the rest of the bike(some blue some silver of course). It will also be polished this fall.
The motor is stock now but the carbs were rebuilt start to finish. I went up a total of 5 in jetting. 2.5 for the pods and 2.5 for the 4-1 exhaust. I am still getting a bit of white smoke from the pipe when I get on it. But I am hoping to get it worked out.
The exhaust is a youshimura replica from my man Carpy. Sounds amazing. Best $600 I have ever spent.
I love the rearsets and the position it gives. At 6-3 it took a little getting use to but after about a week it was like it had always been that way.
The tank is striped to match the seat you just can not see it in that pic.
I will see if I have a better one.
Those are not the best pics but you get the point.
Thanks for you input on the bike.....this is my fifth bike but my first frame up build and I am always up for suggestions. I feel and bike is like a life story....it is ever changing and only finish when the time comes to go in the ground. I think the day I can say there is nothing let to do to the bike is the day my imagination how gone and I will hang the keys at the door for the last time.
If anyone is in Toledo Ohio area let me know I am always up for a ride.
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Re: Hello all

69 posts
In reply to this post by cb750k4
Did you make the seat yourself?
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Re: Hello all

18 posts
The seat is Carpy's Rocket Four. I made the pad myself in about an hour for around $15.