Hey there! Ponderousness of a newbie!

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Hey there! Ponderousness of a newbie!

SO new to the land of bikes and the mighty CB. I got a darn near mint 77 cb750k for darn near nothing. Fixing a few quirk that the bike has ie. caliper sticking in the front, the throttle lines are crunchy?, and a lazy left blinker? So i got the caliper that not a biggie but i was wondering about the other two? on throttle lines? I see that K1-K6 throttle lines are interchangeable? Would they also work for the 77 K7 (lengths comparable & same function)? Then the other noggin scratcher is the lazy blinker on the left side? Is that the way it is supposed to be? The relay seems to be firing at about half to a quarter of the rate of the right? Any thoughts would be great! Thanks for spreading the knowledge and love of these bikes!

PS-That is before a good four days of fine toothing it. It has been dubbed the "Thunder PAW"
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Re: Hey there! Ponderousness of a newbie!

Nice bike looks great man!
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Re: Hey there! Ponderousness of a newbie!

Old Salty
In reply to this post by RjBu
I had the same exact problem, and couldn't figure it out.  I finally took the headlight off, and lo and behold, the wire to the left turn signal was very loose.  One I reconnected it, and gave it a good crimping, it's right on sync with the right.
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Re: Hey there! Ponderousness of a newbie!

In reply to this post by RjBu
please let me know if you want to sell it...i have been looking for a 1977 k model for a long time to restore along side my 78 CB750F...great bike and congratulations fellow biker....shabbabear