cb750F rear brake

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cb750F rear brake

Hey, I'm building a 750 chop, (well, it's already built and riding, but I'm re-building part of it) I got a honda 750 rear disc brake setup but don't know what year honda it would have came off of... The wheel is a laced (spoked) 18 inch and the caliper is a single piston
Can anyone tell me what year it came off of so i can get a rebuild kit for the caliper???  Thanks!
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Re: cb750F rear brake

I can't tell you for sure but bikebandit.com has all of the microfische for free if you want to try and identify it that way
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Re: cb750F rear brake

In reply to this post by chopped
blackhawk is right...and once you find it if honda doesn't carry it anymore then have your dealer check with K&L...they carry a ton of stuff for the older kaws and honda cb's...shabbabear
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Re: cb750F rear brake

Thanks everyone, I finally figured out (after looking at pics on internet that were NOT pornographic in nature for a change...!) that my disc caliper is from a 1979!  YAY!  Now, I gotta figure out my spokes issue, see above thread where I am dying...!!! HELP!