IF you would like to shim your non adjustable needles on your 1978 CB750 here is a how to.
You will need calipers that measure in thousandths.
You will need needle nose pliers small, 8mm combo wrench, #2 phillips screw driver,
and a small flat blade electronics screw driver to remove a circlip.
Some music and a beverage.
Remove the carbs.
Place a clean towel on your work area to avoid losing small parts.
Drain all of the float bowls if the carbs had gas in them.
Do one carb at a time.
Now remove the top covers on all of the carbs.
Measure from the top edge of the #2 slide to the top edge of the carb body. No gasket.
Slide all the way down and idle screw backed off all the way.
WRITE DOWN this measurement. Should be about 1.205 thousandths.

Then remove this screw from the shaft completely.

It will allow you to lift the slide further.
Do not loosen all of the throttle shaft screws at one time.
Loosen the adjuster nut and use needle nose to remove the spring.

Make sure to measure the shims and remove the burr from the back side of the shim/washer.
When you put the needle hold down device inside the slide make sure that the spring is centered
on top of the needle.
Install the two screws and make sure the cutaway is facing the right way. (to the rear of the motorcycle)
Now that it is all back together screw the adjuster down to the approximate position and then measure from the top of the slide to the top of the carb body and make it match the measurement you WROTE down and make it the same as the #2 carb.
Repeat on all of the carbs.
Don't forget you still have to take #2 apart and add the shim but it will not require adjustment,
(no adjuster).
Adding 2 shims .022 or so will raise the needle about = to one notch on a adjustable style (normal) needle with clips set up.
This raising of the needle will help richen the midrange on this non adjustable style slide set up
or if you live in a very cold area. If you have pods or velocity stacks you might want to get this part of the carb function to work better.
On a Roadstar Adventure.