I will make a 630 mile trip in 2 days across Texas. I expect to make it in 12 hours, stopping only to refuel. I have been riding 1.5 years, nearly daily. A couple weeks ago I did a one hour, or 80 mile (each way) day trip to a town near here. Last summer I did a 116 mile each way trip on a very crappy (aka tiring) 2 lane road in the desert (Texas' I-10 is pure luxury compared to that other road). Now, I know there are other threads on road trips and I have read them or followed them but I'm posting my specifics here. I think it will also help me get organized since I will develop ideas as I write them. My bike is pretty bare-bones except for the tall sissy seat and the rear rack. Unfortunately, I don't yet have the saddle bags.
First my itching question: What mileage are you guys getting on the highway? On my trip two weeks ago, I kept the bike at 70 mph, and according to my calculations got 40 mpg. My tank has a 4.7 gallon capacity X 40 mpg = 188 miles of range I can travel on a single tank. At 70 mph (legal in Texas, most of I-10's limit is 80 mph) I would have to stop to refill every 2.7 hours. Does this sound right? It seems if there isn't a gas station every 2.7 hours I will have to take a can of gas with me :-/. Maybe I should take a day trip today to double check on my 70 mph mpg. At least I get to stretch my legs every 3 hours...
Bike Preparation:
-Spark plugs: I changed them a couple months ago so I'm keeping them on.
-Oil: Changed it yesterday.
-Chain: I don't see any signs of wear, I still need to check slack just to be sure. I am taking my can of chain lube on trip.
-Tires: Bought rear last summer, it still has good thread. Bought front 3 days ago. I sort of feel I erred on the side of caution with the front tire since it wasn't that dried up. However the thread was very flat.
-Sea foam: I have just ran sea foam through gas. It's weird, somebody around here mentioned sea foam decreases MPG while it's on, but my MPG actually increased during that.
Supply Checklist for trip:
NEED: spare clutch cable: I need to buy it today. It's inexpensive and can save me a huge hassle.
NEED: a quart of oil. It just occurred to me to play it safe even though leak is pretty small.
NEED: (what do you guys think?) I'm not sure whether or not to take my laptop since I already have a tablet (GPS will come in handy). I do work on my laptop all the time but the bike is a very rough environment for it.
fix a flat: I've used it only once before on the bike and works pretty well.
NEED: (what do you guys think) replace the rear fender. I'm on a very strict budget so I'd rather not replace it unless I'm fairly positive the cops will stop me. I'm attaching a picture to see what you guys think. I hope I can pull off the "chopper" mentality regarding leniency for this.
NEED: Gas station list. I need to search Google Maps and make sure there's a gas station often enough for me to make the trip.
Have: Pliers, screwdrivers (what am I missing here?)
Have: Spare fuses.
Have: a change of clothes on backpack. I'm wearing a lot of layers during the ride anyway due to early nippy weather. I don't have rain pants but rain is not forecasted (fingers crossed). Otherwise I'm well geared with boots, jeans, gloves, fully armored jacket, full helmet, even knee pads. I'm a strong believer in this "wearable insurance".
Have: mp3 player. I learned this from a buddy. Keeps brain from dozing.
Have: Trip food and water.
Thanks guys..
Proud owner of stock '76 CB750.