Need info re: carburetor tubing 82 Nighthawk

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Need info re: carburetor tubing 82 Nighthawk

I'm putting back together a basket case Nighthawk.  The carburetors have an "automatic fuel valve" mounted on top.  It's a small diaphragm device.  I think I see how that connects.  A small tube at the bottom goes to the #2 carburetor, the 2 larger tubes on the diaphragm go to the carburetor and the tank.  And there is a vent tube I guess.

Here's where I'm stumped.  Between the #1 and #2 carburetors is a small rubber "Tee".  Another rubber "Tee" is connected between the #3 and #4 carburetors.  The 2 tubes feeding those "Tees" are connected together.  I can't figure out what this system of tubes connects to.  I'm sure someone here knows.  Thanks for your help.
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Re: Need info re: carburetor tubing 82 Nighthawk

the tee you are referring to is a vent. it connects to nuthing let it be. as for the automatic fuel valve, get rid of it, there is no need for 2 petcocks on a bike. specially one that relies on a diaphram which and let go at any moment. easy to remove. and just get in the habit of manually turning off your fuel switch.  ive got 2 or three kicking around my garage from various cb and nighthawk setups.

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Re: Need info re: carburetor tubing 82 Nighthawk

Thanks for the info.  The rubber vent tees rotted away.  Maybe I'll just leave them off.  I'll take your advice about the diaphragm shutoff too.  It was in rough shape on the inside.
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Re: Need info re: carburetor tubing 82 Nighthawk

well i got one(10bucks +shipping) if you want to keep it but i would do away with it.