Hi guys I've been working like a insane person this last few months. I just realized I don't have anything on this board chronicling my build I do have scattered around the site some questions and such. I will add some pictures in a later post. Here goes:
March 1 to June 30, 2012.
-I picked up the bike at some mountain man's barn the bike hadn't run for 4 years.
-I bought a new battery, got the turd running with a gas tank from my snow blower, runs strong after a few coughs and spits
-I disassemble the whole bike, every nut bolt and part off the frame.
-The previous owner was a hack master if I ever saw one. many crucial small parts missing, like you could accelerate but not decelerate... he removed the return cable... who needs that... the main fuse was a balled up piece of tin foil, hey it worked etc etc. Overall the bike is complete but....
- I removed the engine that runs pretty good
-I removed the carbs and sent them out to Mike Nixon in CA. awesome experience with him
-Mike determined that Mr Hack Master had taken the stock carbs off the bike and put on carbs from a cb100
-Mike swapped the 1000 carb body and gave me a 750 carb body and rebuilt and polished it
-I removed all the covers and found all the oil leaks sources
-I removed the gas tank flushed it, cleaned it and sealed it
-I cleaned up the engine with engine cleaner
-I tried to wire brush the engine for paint prep... no go. Will send out for soda blasting.
-tagged and bagged all the parts systematically, now if I could just remember my system.
-Decided on a appearance scheme. I was going to replicate a cafe racer I saw on line. no more I changed my mind.
-discovered engine has a gap between the cam cover and head the thicknes of a sheet of paper, will be sending for inspection, milling and valve job.
-Today 7-1-12, I'm going to start taking all the bearings and tires off the wheels. remove all bearing from frame then get these ready for paint. see next post for appearance scheme.
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
I am doing my version of a tribute bike. I grew up on a farm with Minneappolis Moline tractors (no longer in existence). We had a 58 or 59 jetstar 445 that was my favorite and the machine that I learned to drive at 8 years old. The dealer’s son that we used to deal with is a friend. He just retired and I thought it would be fun to replicate the color scheme and the decals from the 445. I have it worked out in my head what I want it to look like.
 I’m going to do the tins and engine in the closest yellow/orange I can get and the wheels and covers in the orange brown you see here. The seat as you can see in the picture was black with a kidney busting back rest. I want to do the main part of the seat black with a hint of the orange brown of the wheels in an upsweep on the original Honda seat pan. And then inlay the MM 445 into the back seat in the orange brown. The carbs will stay in the condition that you sent them (too nice to cover with paint). It will look cool I think. I don’t want to depart to much from stock this being my first retro build/renovation. If someone ever wanted to take it back to bone stock color scheme someday they could.
Also the only thing that wasn’t yellow or orange on the 445 was the gas cap and muffler. I am toying with the idea of using 4 into one exhaust and sweeping the muffler up with tractor like muffler and floating lid on the exhaust out-let/tip. Behind the rider position.
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
 Here's one of many versions of the other tractor from Moline. There are millions of these one offs but not one that I can find of what I'm going to build... Rarity or obscurity? You be the judge.
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
I think that would be a great idea! Looking forward to see what you come up with! Keep us posted,please.
ShinyRibs, I knew you would like it.
Okay yesterday7-1, I disassembled the cams, the head and the cylinder. These are very simple when you get into the guts.
The valves are leaking into #1 a lot, #4 a little and there is a trace of oil in the 2 and 3 cylinder.
This evening Im going to split the cases to replace a few seals
I'm going to take the head over to have worked on. New valves and new rings.
Do I buy the parts ahead of time to save the tech time or do I let him order after the milling and measuring of everything?
and Piute is right, the 10mm wrench and socket is your friend when wroking on these.
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
I'm a little disappointed. My 22 yr old son graduated fro Penn State with an engineering degree, yahoo! He told us in December that he is going into the ministry... I am truly thrilled that he is following his calling. He has been every parents dream since he was a baby. Smart, handsome, considerate he has loads of friends and girls are calling here all the time. He has a beautiful GF who has a similar mind set as his. She's an engineer herself and professional Ballerina and a really good kid.
Anyway, after I'm done this bike I am going to give it to him. He doesn't know that.
I unveiled the color scheme to him last night and he hates it, then he says it's your bike do what makes you happy. He'll like it once it is done I'm sure. I'm using house of color metallic and clear coat it will look really amazing and it will be an item of interest next to all the boring, me too, looking crotch rockets out there. I'm not changing the scheme and he will like it when it is done.
but, it momentarily has taken some air out of my excitement... you'll have this with those bratty youngins, lol.
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
GhostFlame,i tell you what. I have been fooling with hotrods for years,and just started messing with bikes. I am on the flip side of your disappointment. Of the hundreds of races i have ran,not one did my Pops ever attend. And when I put my Cafe together with the low handlebars and dual headlights my Pops only remark was "it looks like a water buffalo". I am 32 years old and have been working for my dad full time since I graduated in 1998,and worked for him full time in the summers out of school since i was 9 years old. Never a compliment,or any interest,concerning any project I have ever undertook. Heck,my bike was painted for over a month before he even noticed it! Yes,it can really knock the wind out of your sails.I agree. BUT,it sounds like you son has his heart in the right place,especially considering his choice of going into the Ministry. You cant win them all bud,but at least you can have the peace of mind that he has the most important things in life under control!
Good luck with your tribute bike,I think it is a fantastic idea. I'd almost bet that once you get it all together that your son will agree you built a cool bike! Build it and prove him wrong!LOL
Chin up!
This post was updated on .
Shiney, I am the Great Oz and I would like to bestow upon you a medal. Great men who have fought battles, climbed mountains cured dropsy and built railroads have medals, Your medal which will be bestowed upon you at a special ceremony a week from next Thursday in the town square. Is better than all these feats of strength and exploitation.
You my good man are a man of Wisdom. Your thinking is much more like that of a seasoned old timer. One who has traveled the world, seen his share of political promptitude, grand mistakes and and things like that. For you the world is to be observed and boiled down to its simplest essence and shared with the rest of the inter world. Your comments are worthy of such scholarly men of great Universities. I have the 7 corners of the world and rarely have I found a man like you.
So it's time to get on with it. in just about 9 days you will be receiving the Professor Popum medal for wisdom, humor, minor do-it-yourself surgery and general cosmetic improvement. A well deserved prize bestowed on a well deserving recipient.
 You will have your pick of all manner of the feminine gender beating a path to your corn staulk when they hear of your accomplishments. They will fight for the privilege of ehem etc etc.
I told you this thread would get some pictures.  Anyway, Dad's can be f'ed up at times. I'm guessing your dad is like 65 or older. Men of that era had few role models for supporting their kids. Words can be an elevator or a wrecking ball it our job to choose wisely. all I can say is don't do that to your kids. You are certainly and asset here on this board. Don't let the old man bother you... he has his own issues that he keeps secret and basically doesn't know anu better.
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
Well,I dont know what to say to all of that.As far as the "grand mistakes" part...yeah,you nailed that one  But I really dig the female of my pick part!WOO HOO! Not sure if Crys will go for that...cross that bridge when the time arrives. My Dad is 57 years old. He HAD to quit school and go to work full time at the age of 13 to help support his two brothers and their Mom. He grew up a hard worker and just doesn't know any other way. I greatly admire my Dad and did not mean to sound otherwise. If there is any good in me at all,it comes from him. Thats a fact.
Anyways,there is a tribute bike that needs building! Enough with the mushy stuff!
But in all seriousness,thanks for the kind words. The feeling is very much mutual.
......though I do have a sneaking suspicion he accused me of not having a brain with the whole scarecrow thing.... 
I don't want offend Crys, pretty girls are are pretty girls and she is dressed for a night out.
Anyway God bless you,brotha'
Yes let's get back to buildin'
I have a new job at an Ifiniti dealer,sales. I love it. Last night was my first time to work til 8pm . I found out that nite time is differnt. The detail shop is the hang out. They crack out the beer and a lot of the sales people and admins go up @d hang out with the techs who are off duty.
I also found out that the owner let's guys work on their machines up ther. My general mgr and one of the techs have built a couple hot rods. He is now working on a cb1000. Making a cafe racer. Wow how good is that!? I will be involved if they let me.
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
So I'm beginning to learn what new soft parts cost for these vintage bikes  . I just ordered new breather tubes, insulators and clamps. see below.
Order Confirmation
Cheap Cycle Parts!
at CheapCycleParts.com
Order Date: July 5, 2011
Item Name Quantity Total Price
INSULATOR 1, CARB 1 $21.42
INSULATOR 2, CARB 1 $21.42
INSULATOR 3, CARB 1 $21.42
INSULATOR 4, CARB 1 $21.42
SCREW, PAN (5X8) 4 $4.28
SCREW, PAN (5X20) 4 $4.16
SCREW, PAN (5X25) 8 $8.56
BAND (54) 4 $15.32
HiFlo Air Filters 1 $11.57
TUBE A 2 $31.38
TUBE B 2 $31.38
Free Cheap Cycle Rag 1 $0.00
Subtotal: $277.37
Shipping: $9.99
Sales Tax: $0.00
TOTAL: $287.36
These are the cheapest prices I could find, they were 20% cheaper than the highest, Bike Bandit. That's almost $60 difference on this order.
Today I'm working on forks and wheels, day off.
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
Here's a rough idea of what I am thinking for a color scheme. I showed this to my son and he really liked it. I'm convince all this head down texting these kids do had inhibited their imaginations. Any way when he saw it he said it looked cool.

1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
Very cool  Just a thought,have you considered possibly running dual head lights to match up with the whole tractor theme?Maybe set them out wide with some sort of fairing to emulate the grille and front end area of the tractor? Just an idea,probably a bad one  I have an old pair I'm not using that need adopting.
Oh yeah,is that a rain cap on the exhaust?!?! That would be neat
Yup that's a rain cap! I have to find a muffler that will replicate the look of the tractor muffler. I really like the idea of dual black headlights! If you are parting with a set we can talk, they gotta be worth something to you. I will consider the fairing idea to capture the look of the front, maybe something designed small to suggest the lines of the front without duplicating it altogether. I will sketch it out and see what I come up with.
Ahem, the tank says Suzuki and the engine and everything else says Honda, how did you arrive at that scheme?
I know you didn't have this in mind but, I ran into a guy at a drive in once that. Had a new-ish Honda VTX1800R, (Ihave a '04 VTX180c) with a full on Harley Davidson gas tank and badges. What?,... I said, he said he got tired of all the harassment from the Harley riders... then he tells me it cost him $3000 grand to make it fit and for the parts. What an A-hole.
Have you been harassed by Suzuki Riders, JK! Looks like a water buffalo, Jk
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
HAHA! Yes,it does look like a water buffalo! My tank was poo and Tools had that Suzuki tank.So,on it went. No,the Suzuki guys dont bother me.The bike is all silver now with different tank badges. 8 out of 10 people ask me if it is a BMW,though???I still dont get that one.
A standard glass pack muffler is similar to a tractor muffler,but if you really want one with the flat capped ends,Tractor Supply stocks them.They're not very expensive.You can pick one up while you're shopping for a rain cap! These lites I have are not super bright. I rode at night with them without any problem or complaint,but the factory light is brighter. If you handle the shipping you can have them.They're just collecting dust over here.
I think it would be cool to mount the lights out on the sides of the forks, kind of like the turn signals are. Then make a small grill to fill in between the forks.
P.S. I can feel, for you on the children thing. Out of 10 children, the only ones interested in anything I do are the two Toolbabe, and I took in from Honduras, and one son-in-law. And for them, one just wants to be a carpenter, another wants to be a mechanic, and the son-in-law just wants to ride.
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."
1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
TOOLS1 wrote
I think it would be cool to mount the lights out on the sides of the forks, kind of like the turn signals are. Then make a small grill to fill in between the forks.
P.S. I can feel, for you on the children thing. Out of 10 children, the only ones interested in anything I do are the two Toolbabe, and I took in from Honduras, and one son-in-law. And for them, one just wants to be a carpenter, another wants to be a mechanic, and the son-in-law just wants to ride. 
Yeah, Kids can't always figure them out. Good for you 10 kids, 2 adopted... good for you! I'm toying with the fairing idea.
Question for anyone on front forks. I took my forks apart today. full of sand, sand, water and black oil that smelled like rotten fish.
The seals and bushings were disintegrated around the stainless slider. the seal and bushings are fused to the inside wall of the lower tube. I can't get them out without further damage. Do I take them to a machine shop? Do I throw them away and get a pair from e-bay? The ebay forks are not necessarily gauranteed to be any better. Looks like he rode it through a creek or something again and again. 1980 cb750c. I don't want to rebuild these then find out they are no good.
What about aftermarket new forks? know anyone selling rebuilt forks that have seen the inside and rebuilt?
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
Try heating the sleeves up. They should come off. I'm pretty sure Honda still has the sleeves also.
Yea I more, or less raised 10 kids. Tried to adopt them out, but Toolbabe would not let me.  TOOLS
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."
1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
I understand, there were many a time when I would have adopted mine out lest for the sense of my wife! And I just have 2!
Yeah, I'll try the heat treatment, give me an excuse to use my maps gas torch. I know alluminum cant handle super high heat... that might make for a good story though.
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!