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27 posts
Hey, I've been polishing on my bike all winter and I want to share a product that I have found that some may or may not know about. It's called speedy all metal polish. This stuff is by far the best polish I have ever used. It has saved me tons of elbow grease because it works so easily. I have no vested interest in this company or product in any way. I've just gotten alot of help from this web-site and wanted to share the info. I actually called the company and thanked them for making a product that actually lives up the claims they make. The rep I talked to said the only bad thing about the polish is that the protective agents in it are so good that the shine lasts too long and people don't need to order anymore. Anyway.... if anyone out there wants a awesome polish for their bike this stuff is incredible.
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Re: Polish

3494 posts
Added a link into repair tricks and write ups.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Polish

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In reply to this post by CBShannon
Do you still have to sand the aluminum prior to using that metal polish?
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Re: Polish

27 posts
Only if the metal is in really bad shape. Even if it's in bad shape it will still make an improvement.I mean it wont take out scratches etc. Also, like on my carbs the caps had clearcoat on them. I stripped that first and was easy. I just sprayed on a paint remover and wiped the clear off. On any bare aluminum the stuff is magical. I still can't believe how well it works. And on chrome I didn't really think it would do much better than my regular polish but man was I wrong. I promise you the stuff is worth the money. The stuff I used is called speedy Turbo. That's all I needed. They do have some that is a pre-polish that is more abrasive for really bad stuff but I've never used it so I can't testify on that. But like I said the stuff I used was the best I've ever come across by leaps and bounds. It goes on easy and comes off easy. I will recommend it to everyone I know.