lol@ easyrider. Speaking your mind,huh buddy?

I hold back some much on here,y'all have no idea. you all pretty much get the edited version of me on here. Shiny-lite.

Anyway, my Grandpa is awesome! This is old news (happened about a month ago) but I just found out about it today. About 6 weeks ago they found cancer in my Grandma's eye. They were gonna do this procedure where they sew some kinda disc to the front of her eyeball to nuke the cancer. Weird.

Anywho,as always, it was a race against time to beat the growing tumor in order to either save the eye ,or at least, the sight in that eye. Well, after about 2 weeks she still hadn't heard back from the doctor. So my Grandpa finds the Doctor on facebook and posts a message on there asking if he is ever going to operate on his wife like he said he would. Got a call within the hour and the appointment was setup for the next day. HA! I love that man!
BTW,the tumor is GONE

but so is her sight in that eye

. Thanks for stalling for 2 weeks Doc...