Hey guys
My buddy and I are on our '77 cb750k's and made it the 1400 miles from Montreal to Nashville. It's been a hell of a fun (but very wet) trip so far. About 30 miles outside town I blew a fuse and couldn't figure out the problem. Ended up having to get AAA to tow it into town. Now we're at the Holiday Inn trying to find a shop that can fix my (latest) electrical problem.
Anyone in downtown Nashville you guys can recommend?
Anything you think I could try? I should say the bikes have been absolutely soaked for the last week so I think thats the root of the problem.
Thanks as always!
'77 CB750K
'79 Yamaha SR 500
'97 Kawasaki KLR 650
I should mention that it's the main 15 amp fuse. I put a new one in but it blew as soon as I turned the ignition switch to 'on'.
Any help is appreciated. It's a long walk back to Canada!
'77 CB750K
'79 Yamaha SR 500
'97 Kawasaki KLR 650
Not sure guy, I've got a '79, but have been told to carry an extra 30 amp main for my bike.
I'd pull the cover for the electrics on the side of the motor, make sure it's not full of water.
Then maybe disconnect all the wiring harnesses that feed anything.
Grab half a dozen fuses, whatever the right size, and start hooking things up till you blow another one.
Then look real close at that the part of the harness.
Good luck guy.
Thats good advice there. I would definitely use a 30 amp in the main. Maybe go ahead and change your fuses over to the blade type now will help you. You should be able to get the fuses and a pair of crimping pliers at Walmart and fix it yourself.
Wish I could help. I'm about 500 miles from Nashville
I'm guessing you're in a Motel or Hotel room? You should have a porch somewhere to get under. If your room is ground level,roll it in your room  Good for you and your buddy for having the guts ti take the trip  I wish you better luck from here on. Good luck and be safe.
Oh yeah,check your ignition cover maybe? See if any water got in there. I know they dont seal very well really
Well it was 9-10 am when posted hope all worked well for ya,
But just in case your still messing,I'd run an in line fused wire straight to your plug that goes to your key,put a Lil cross jump wire on the brn.'s,The others 1 hot,1 grnd. This will help let you know if it's the main in harness or if is ignition switch,
If it works and doesn't blow ,RUN IT put on a toggle though,.
,rain in area come Thursday
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
Hey thanks for all the tips guys! Managed to find a good mechanic here in town who figured it out. Seems water had gotten into the headlight housing and that was the cause of the short.
We're all sorted out and heading onward to Memphis in the morning. I'll post some pics from the trip when we get back to Canada in a few weeks.
Thanks again guys!!
'77 CB750K
'79 Yamaha SR 500
'97 Kawasaki KLR 650
I was gonna say, hairdryer but I'm a little late.
American by birth. Cowboy by choice!
Vero Beach, FL
Well hope and pray you left before this storm/heavy thunder today,FRIDAY,cause I was leaving work crossing town(pretty much just a big truck stop (T/A)town,might of made it home (20 miles),but was thinking of you guys and my box (used to hold wires)is not water-tight Yet.Was coming down heavy wind and all.So parked bike in truck wash bay and went and had some coffee N pie (45min.),Just some heavy azzz 30+ cross winds all the way, rain diddn't start up again till home.
But this is the mid west,TANKS for the faring ChromeGuy  Lowers work great,  boots kept feetzee nice N dry
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
Hey fellas...
We made it out of Nashville, through Memphis and Clarksdale, then headed east through Birmingham, Chattanooga, Smoky Mountains, and up the Blue Ridge Parkway. I'm not trying to blow sunshine up my American friends' asses, but this country is unbelievably beautiful. I can't believe I lived this long, so close these roads and never took advantage before.
I'm now in Washington DC, and heading out tomorrow. I initially planned to visit Philly, Boston, etc, but at this point I have NO desire at all to be in a big city. I just want to take my '77 on the most desolate beautiful roads I can find (riding the Appalachians will do that!). I have another 5 days to make it back to Montreal and I'm looking for tips on places to hit up. If anyone wants to take a ride for a portion of the way, just let me know!
Thanks guys!
'77 CB750K
'79 Yamaha SR 500
'97 Kawasaki KLR 650
I live about 5 minutes for the Parkway. I'm in Southwest Virginia,though. Yes,it is beautiful country around here. I forget it sometimes myself, but you are reminded real fast when you can take it all in on a bike.
Good luck on your trip!
Just in case you are passing around the Lynchburg-Roanoke VA area, feel free to holler of you need anything. Food,shower,tools...etc.
I'm Eric. Cell number: five four oh two oh four 7731
Sure would love to hit some miles with ya but you just left my area well Mossouri,
Best recomendation stay away from those bigger citys lived in Baltimore,didn't like at all,lots of crime.
GOOD LUCK and ride safe "O" and keep in touch.
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
Hey Eric
Thanks for the offer! I'm pretty far north of you right now but I don't think this'll be the last time I head down this way.
I'll keep in touch if I head back. Thanks again, Marcus On 2012-09-15, at 2:50 AM, "shinyribs [via Honda CB750'S]"< [hidden email]> wrote:
I live about 5 minutes for the Parkway. I'm in Southwest Virginia,though. Yes,it is beautiful country around here. I forget it sometimes myself, but you are reminded real fast when you can take it all in on a bike.
Good luck on your trip!
Just in case you are passing around the Lynchburg-Roanoke VA area, feel free to holler of you need anything. Food,shower,tools...etc.
I'm Eric. Cell number: five four oh two oh four 7731
Piute said it best: "wheres my 10mm?"
Hellbilly-"that is a great way to tell if you have come to your senses, when you start drilling random holes in things... "
LukeM-"Scooters rock, especially when they're in posse formation. "
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives. ~ Abba Eban
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'77 CB750K
'79 Yamaha SR 500
'97 Kawasaki KLR 650