Rotor Generator compatibility.

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Rotor Generator compatibility.

Hello everyone another question for you guys.

Ive recently used my voltmeter and discovered that my generator doesnt charge and is completely dead. A

mechanic of mine mentioned that the Yamaha xj750 generator is identical as Hondas. Searching on Ebay i

Have discovered that they they look identical and that Yamaha's cheaper and closely similar. Will this work?

Are there other generator rotors that I could swap that you have found success with?

Thank You.
1980 Honda CB750K

Sacramento, CA
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Re: Rotor Generator compatibility.

I haven't heard of that,but that means nothing at all. If your guy has done it in the past then he probably knows what he is talking about.

I doubt Honda was making their electrical components in-house. It's completely possible that they were buying their rotors from the same manufacturer as Yamaha.

If you go this route and it works out please keep us updated!
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Re: Rotor Generator compatibility.

In reply to this post by glara11
I can't speak to the Yamaha rotor's compatibility, sorry, but I wanted to chime in because I just got a rotor for my 1980 CB750k made by Rick's Powersports and it's working just fine as far as I know. It measured 3.8-3.9 ohms which Rick's says is normal because they use thicker wiring. I'm getting 14.5v across my battery now.

I got it brand new from a shop on ebay for noticeably (and pleasingly) cheaper than msrp and with free shipping that arrived to my door in 3 days. I can send you the link to the seller I bought from if you're interested. No, I'm not the seller or affiliated, just a happy customer.
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Re: Rotor Generator compatibility.

eric moon
Astro, why not post the link anyway for everyones future reference?
1980 CB750F S/S
1979 CB750F
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Re: Rotor Generator compatibility.

I thought about it, and almost did, but the seller only has 1 left at the moment and I wanted to let glara11 have first dibs on it. I'm not sure if that seller carries them regularly, but eBay says that they have sold 4 of them. If I don't hear back either in this thread or by message then I'll post it tonight.
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Re: Rotor Generator compatibility.

Go ahead and post either Rick's info/website, or the EBay link to Ricks's stuff. Customers wanting your product is a good problem to have. :-$

Luke M
Used to have a 1979 CB750L, sold it as a parts bike, now riding a slightly modified 1984 VT700C. Network/Field Engineer. Central OH, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.
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Re: Rotor Generator compatibility.

Ok here is the link to the eBay listing for the Rick's rotor I bought: