All wiring on these old bikes is simple point to point.
With the key on, the headlight, tail, and front signals should turn on.
With the brakes, if neither turn on the brake filament, then the switches are bad, the filament is burned out(which can be hard to see) or something is interrupting the circuit path.
With the turn signals, It is likely either the flasher is bad, or the contacts in the housing are not working in some way. A new flasher is simple and cheap. Virtually any 12v flasher will work, 2 or 3 pin. The 3rd pin does not get used. The contacts may just need a good cleaning. Try that first. It is possible to find parts for the switch, but depending on the extent of the wear or damage, a new left hand control may be needed.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!