I've seen what Tools has cleaned with soda blasting so I decided to give it a go.
Cleaning carburetors with solvents and scrubbing and tooth brushes,etc is messy and expensive. I bought a little blow gun from Harbor Freight ( think it was $4) and pushed it in to a piece of 3/8'' vinyl tubing. I stuck a 10-32 nut in the end of the live to restrict flow so as not to waste soda. I think even a smaller hole would work fine. I used two 1lb boxes of baking soda ( $0.69 each) to clean all four carbs. I should have done this a long time ago!

The way it cleans linkages without harming the corrosion resistant coatings( zinc or whatnot) is just amazing.

And you know the black streaks you always see inside your carb throats, but you wouldn't dare get aggressive because you don't want to wreck your carbs? Well...

Just a quick blast. A few more moments had it looking like brand new.

Takes about 1 min to blast a carb. Then a wash down in break cleaner ( maybe used 1/3 of a can). Then blow dry with an air nozzle. Of course, you'll want to do all this outside. And either cover your face or hold your breath while blowing soda. It's not toxic, of course, but it will have you sneezing like mad.
Go spend $7 and get set up! Sooo much cheaper, easier,faster and cleaner than solvents.