I agree. When I got my new rear tire, I went down (thinner) to stock size and my bike now leans easier which makes for easier turning. The grip is fine.
Last time I visited the Harley dealership, I noticed how the remade 47 has a huge, balloon-like, front tire. I'm guessing it turns about as easily as an 18-wheeler

rrgunslinger wrote
This is a complicated question. Manufactures spend a lot of time testing for the best handling using different size rims and tires. Having said that (and I'm sure there is someone here who know more than me) my opinion is if you put a larger tire on the front it will make your bike steer slower and not want to go around a corner. Going bigger on the back will also act in slowing the lean of the bike. I would stay as close as possible to what the stock setting is. You could go up a size in the back and probably not have any issues. But is you want quick and stable handling, stick with stock settings.
Proud owner of stock '76 CB750.