So in the continuing addiction to f'ing craigslist

I acquired this beauty in trade for a handgun that I had no use or need for (Davis 380 auto). The gun was worth about a $100. The guy was asking $200 for this 1977 CB 550F. We traded straight across.
It's mostly all there. Except for the airbox, some electric components and side covers. Wiring is hosed, no key so lots of wires are cut.

The tach is whacked and so are the indicator lights

The controls are all busted or wires cut

Some road-rash here

Rest of the engine doesn't look too bad though. It turns over freely. Not to sure about the compression though, seems to turn pretty easy.

I'm thinking bare-bones cafe racer. Just remove the wiring harness and do a minimal wiring job for lights and ignition. Of course, I'll need to find out about the internal condition of the engine; see if it's got compression - first. But I'm looking forward to some quality time with this little beast over the next few months.
89 VN 750A - Given to son-in-law
79 CB 750K-sold 3 May 21
78 CB 750K
77 CB 750K
77 GL 1000 x 2
77 CB 550F
Holton, KS, US