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cb750 K7 cafe racer first build

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cb750 K7 cafe racer first build

11 posts
recently sold an AJS 250 and decided to re-invest in a bike, what better bike to do so than a honda inline 4?! The bike's twice my age (or thereabouts) and really shows it, the engine is seized, electrics have been gnawed through by a family of evicted resident mice, the tyres are shot, chrome is rusted and everything needs attention... brilliant.  any ideas on what i could do with it would be very much appreciated as im a complete newbie to the cafe racer scene and even to the motorbike scene... also, advice on electricals (placing) and how to get it looking minimalistic and classy will be lovely :D
Friendship is akin to peeing one's pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
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Re: cb750 K7 cafe racer first build

11 posts
inspiration #1 (orig. by wrenchmonkees.)inspiration #2 (prefer this) 
Either of these two approaches stand out to me, but to different parts of me respectively, id like to replace the K tank with an F tank but still undecided on whether to replace carbs/shocks and what handlebars to get, clip-ons or solid bars, again, suggestions very much appreciated :D
Friendship is akin to peeing one's pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
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Re: cb750 K7 cafe racer first build

3739 posts
In reply to this post by Butterworth7v
       1st off,
     are you just looking for looks like most all 1st time riders and builders
    If so just start with a company that has most all parts you like and start ordering
    But if your on a budget ,break out the saws-all and start cutting up a perfectly good bike.

        Myself Honda came out with the Super Sport in 75 For thoughs that wonted that Cafe look,But after a few years 1978 most buyers at that time were hooked on the Ole look and so ..
      As you were thinking & saying there are S.S. parts that can get you he respect of a cafe without all the money and cutting A nice peace to trash.

     Now bars and gauges can be changed with great results and still have stk.parts to put back on (easyer to sell ),you start cutting and welding on this frame will weaken and drop value.
       For touring these are all bolt on can always go back to 1st pic. at anytime.
                            1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal,  Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
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Re: cb750 K7 cafe racer first build

1461 posts
In reply to this post by Butterworth7v
I would start with getting the bike running before doing heavy mods.  Engine is seized.  Do you have a large budget and are just planning on buying a new engine to drop in?
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals

My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.

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Re: cb750 K7 cafe racer first build

11 posts
Aye that goes without saying, im currently stripping it down meticulously labelling and picturing everything that comes off and all the electric ends. I have a low budget but i can work for the more expensive bits in my free time (currently in last year of school) so budget isnt really a problem up to about 4-5k (sterling, im in england) but i want to get a diary going with an end in sight so i have something to work to :) and also need to get some money in the pot for when it comes to replacing parts! ie ideas for suspension and handlebars and other interchangable parts. Thanks! :) 

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On 3 Jan 2013, at 23:00, "seestheday [via Honda CB750'S]" <[hidden email]> wrote:

I would start with getting the bike running before doing heavy mods.  Engine is seized.  Do you have a large budget and are just planning on buying a new engine to drop in?
1981 CB750K

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Friendship is akin to peeing one's pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
Ride it like you stole it.
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Re: cb750 K7 cafe racer first build

1461 posts
If you have 4-5k sterling ($6500-8200 usd)to spend on this then you can do pretty much whatever you want. From what I've seen, most people on this forum don't have that kind of budget. 

This should be a very pretty build :-)

Sent from my BlackBerry device

From: Butterworth7v [via Honda CB750'S]
Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2013 6:13 PM
To: seestheday
Subject: Re: cb750 K7 cafe racer first build

Aye that goes without saying, im currently stripping it down meticulously labelling and picturing everything that comes off and all the electric ends. I have a low budget but i can work for the more expensive bits in my free time (currently in last year of school) so budget isnt really a problem up to about 4-5k (sterling, im in england) but i want to get a diary going with an end in sight so i have something to work to :) and also need to get some money in the pot for when it comes to replacing parts! ie ideas for suspension and handlebars and other interchangable parts. Thanks! :) 

Sent from my iPhone

On 3 Jan 2013, at 23:00, "seestheday [via Honda CB750'S]" <[hidden email]> wrote:

I would start with getting the bike running before doing heavy mods.  Engine is seized.  Do you have a large budget and are just planning on buying a new engine to drop in?
1981 CB750K

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Friendship is akin to peeing one's pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
Ride it like you stole it.

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1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals

My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.

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Re: cb750 K7 cafe racer first build

11 posts
In reply to this post by Butterworth7v
UPDATE: After well over a year of indecisiveness ive finally decided (and got some juicy new bits) to build a CR750 road legal 'replica'! (a lot of people have got a lot of heat off people on other threads for mentioning the word 'replica' in their builds and then not sourcing genuine honda racing parts and for the end result not being 100% perfect, im a 19-year-old Uni student, please dont expect a game-changer ;))
About to get the frame modified by classicracinghondas.com (makes beautiful machines, check his website out) so that the fairing will fit and all the unnecessary lugs and bolts are stripped off it. Any CR750 Gurus out there ill be needing any help available in this build as ill freely admit i am a rookie! 
Ive already sourced a tank, clip-ons, some new allen key bolts for the engine and an engine 'do-er upper' for the stuff i dont trust myself with. SOURCE: photo taken of CRH's machines at Stafford motorbike show. These were my inspiration ^, beautiful machines with a lot of hard work put into them. Obviously Dick Mann's famous honda was orange but the blue does look rather dazzling, what do you guys think?
Anyway, i promise to keep this thread updated with my progress as it comes, thanks for reading!
Friendship is akin to peeing one's pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
Ride it like you stole it.