UPDATE: After well over a year of indecisiveness ive finally decided (and got some juicy new bits) to build a CR750 road legal 'replica'! (a lot of people have got a lot of heat off people on other threads for mentioning the word 'replica' in their builds and then not sourcing genuine honda racing parts and for the end result not being 100% perfect, im a 19-year-old Uni student, please dont expect a game-changer ;))
About to get the frame modified by classicracinghondas.com (makes beautiful machines, check his website out) so that the fairing will fit and all the unnecessary lugs and bolts are stripped off it.
Any CR750 Gurus out there ill be needing any help available in this build as ill freely admit i am a rookie!
Ive already sourced a tank, clip-ons, some new allen key bolts for the engine and an engine 'do-er upper' for the stuff i dont trust myself with.

These were my inspiration ^, beautiful machines with a lot of hard work put into them. Obviously Dick Mann's famous honda was orange but the blue does look rather dazzling, what do you guys think?
Anyway, i promise to keep this thread updated with my progress as it comes, thanks for reading!
Friendship is akin to peeing one's pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
Ride it like you stole it.