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cb750 cdi q's

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cb750 cdi q's

1 post
hey everybody. i have a 1979 cb750f basketcase. the bike has stock electronic ignition but is missing pretty much all the major parts(pickup coil, ignitor box ect) i was just wondering if i could save myself the headache of chasing all those parts down and just slap a points and advancer set up on this? is the shaft on my bike the same as the shaft on a points model? will the points just bolt in?
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Re: cb750 cdi q's

17 posts
Hey, hows it goin?
I can't say for sure as my bike is a 76 that I added a Dyna ignition on. The stock advancer should work if you fine points. The only problem you may have is the CDI is triggered with a magnet on the rotor while points are triggered by a cam type lobe on the rotor. You will have to get a different rotor for the shaft. If your bike had no model with points they may not have designed it to be switched over the way you want.
Best of luck!
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Re: cb750 cdi q's

257 posts
In reply to this post by motolou
I'd say pretty much no on all your ?'s  The DOHC (1979-82/3) went away from the points ign, and I think most everything is different.

Are you in the US?  I would ebay a stock ignition, or you may find one from someone who upgraded everything to dyna/etc.
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Re: cb750 cdi q's

192 posts
I wasnt going to say anything on this subject, but  looking back I tend  to agree with what you said about going away from points etc to CDI. If my memory serves me right my 1977 Honda CB550K had points, and they seemed to be fine, although I never kept that bike for long and aprt from having photos of it as a memento, I dont really remember much about it . Apart from the fact that it was extremely reliable and never had the problems i have had with my CB750K, but thats another story. My 1980 CB750 K has elctronic ignition and ocne the timing is set thats it . Set it, and forget it.