oil leak at base of cylinder

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oil leak at base of cylinder

79 cb 750 k just got bike only has 9k but leaks oil at base of cylinder bad. it runs great and leaks no where else. driving me crazy any ideas, disconnected crank vents from air box and got worse
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Re: oil leak at base of cylinder

When I see a leak in that area I go and get eather a top end gasket kit or a full gasket kit for the bike. It sounds like the lower Jugg gasket is probably leaking.
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Re: oil leak at base of cylinder

In reply to this post by chpd750
By disconnecting the vents you took the vacuume away from the venting system and raised the crank case pressure. This would push the oil out faster. You need a new lower jugg gasket. I'd get at least the top end kit for it.
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Re: oil leak at base of cylinder

In reply to this post by chpd750
I have an uncle who is a cert. Honda tech (and shop foreman for 25+ years) and he warned me of this on my bike. Is it leaking at the front or back of the cylinder block? He says often times the cam chains don't get adjusted like they should and will actually rub a hole through and leak oil at the front lower center of the cylinder block and it will look just like a gasket leak.
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Re: oil leak at base of cylinder

 If thats the case that theres a hole from the camchain rubbing you could
repair that without takin the motor apart, hopefully huh,
 also check those vacuum hoses make sure they are not blocked creating crankcase pressure resulting in blowing oil out whreever it can find a weakspot..good luck