Oh here we go!

Oil is a huge topic. However, I run synthetic and it is proven that synthetic provides the best protection.
There is a lot of myth information against synth but most of it is from the 70s and 80s and no longer applies.
The weights can be treated the exact same BUT in cold weather, synth does not thicken up like "dino" does. That is a good thing.
Synth CLEANS your engine out. This is good BUT if you have a lot of sludge, that sludge will get moved and all sorts of things can happen. Now this is not a fault of the synth, it is a fault of conventional oil that left the sludge in the first place. This sludge can goop up your clutch and you have to pull it apart to clean the plates. it can also plug the oil lines in the heads and cause oil starvation. That sludge also seals up poor oil seals to an extent so once it is removed, leaks could occur.
Again, this is not a fault of the synth oil but of the conventional that was used.
In my 78, I used regular 10-40 for a while. Then moved to rotella T 15-40 for 2 changes and then jumped on rotella synth 5-40. It is a diesel oil and has worked very good. I got ZERO leaks or any other issues.
I know some people are going to say use a bike oil but if you follow the manual guidelines, you are just throwing your money away. it is your bike though.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!