1974 CB750K Project Bike

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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

There are little turnbuckles that you use to get the chokes all sync'ed together. I'm sure you saw how it worked now that you have been intimate with your carburetors. It can be quite a PAIN getting them perfect.They don't have to be perfectly sync'ed. They dont even have to close 100%. Those little doors will open up if they are closed 100% anyways.

Ten points to you for being observant,but you should be good to go as is.
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

Intimate is an apt description.  Plus, first blood has already been drawn.  I did get them to close more but not quite 100%.  Just a smidget open but a whole lot better.  Now to get them back on.

Next is the tank.  Gotta seal those holes.  Busy busy
American by Birth....TEXAN by the grace of God!  I am the Texas Ambassador to Ohio.

1974 CB750 "La Cabrona"
1977 CB550 "Blue Bonnet"
1982 GL500i "The Grand Old Gal"
2008 CMX250  "The Piglet"
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

Re: carbs back on

Use copious amounts of PB Blaster
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

They are back on.  Tried to start and it sputtered a couple of times.  Then nothing and I noticed gasoline on the floor.  It was spewing out of carb #3 (second from shifter side)  It was flowing over coming of from two of the rubber hoses and the carb itself.  Grrrr.  Something plugged up?  
American by Birth....TEXAN by the grace of God!  I am the Texas Ambassador to Ohio.

1974 CB750 "La Cabrona"
1977 CB550 "Blue Bonnet"
1982 GL500i "The Grand Old Gal"
2008 CMX250  "The Piglet"
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

Float level too high, or needle not seating.
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."

1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

guess that means taking them off again? Back to the drawing board.  
American by Birth....TEXAN by the grace of God!  I am the Texas Ambassador to Ohio.

1974 CB750 "La Cabrona"
1977 CB550 "Blue Bonnet"
1982 GL500i "The Grand Old Gal"
2008 CMX250  "The Piglet"
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

You don't have to pull them. I didn't when I had float height problems. Just pop the retainer clip off and take the bowl off. You can still set the float to level with them on the bike. It may be a touch on the tight side getting to the center two, but its way easier than pulling them. Just pop the bowls, buddy. That's all yyou gotta do!
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

In reply to this post by Scrappyike
I have no idea what to tell you regarding fixing it, but an fyi - the 2nd from shifter side is #2. They go 1-4 from left to right, sitting on the bike.

Unless I'm mistaken, which is always possible.
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?


Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

In reply to this post by shinyribs
I was hoping you'd say that.  I was looking at them and thinking if that was possible.  Vintage bike night tonight so I will hit them tomorrow. Thanks again Shiny and Tools
American by Birth....TEXAN by the grace of God!  I am the Texas Ambassador to Ohio.

1974 CB750 "La Cabrona"
1977 CB550 "Blue Bonnet"
1982 GL500i "The Grand Old Gal"
2008 CMX250  "The Piglet"
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

In reply to this post by cdaiscool
Ok, they already had labels on them.  I guess they were labeled wrong.  Will get those corrected.  Thanks for the heads up.
American by Birth....TEXAN by the grace of God!  I am the Texas Ambassador to Ohio.

1974 CB750 "La Cabrona"
1977 CB550 "Blue Bonnet"
1982 GL500i "The Grand Old Gal"
2008 CMX250  "The Piglet"
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

In reply to this post by shinyribs
SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!  I adjusted the float on the one carb.  I tried start it.  Sputtered but no tamale.  At least it was not spewing out gasoline.  I let her sit for awhile thinking I was going to have to pull the carbs again.  After a while I was going to put the bike up but decided to try one more time.  It sputtered a bit longer, thought I almost had it but no start.  I did my 'frustration' jump.  My neighbor heard me and came over.  He said with the older bikes you have to give more gas....of which I was not for fear of flooding it.  

So we tried again and after some sputtering she started.  Black crap came out of the pipes and then clear.  She sounded smooth and good.  Started to idle smooth and then the gas ran out (using a temp tank).  Grrr.  There was no banging or odd sounds coming from the engine.  Did I mention that she sounded realllly good.  LOL.  

I am so stoked.  Now I just want get a gauge to measue compression and to synch the carbs.  Woo hoo.  Thanks for the assist guys.

On another note, the JB Weld seems to have plugged the holes on the fuel tank.  Giving it time to cure before I start the electrolysis to clean out the rust.  

Moving along now and making progress.  Did I mention that she sounded good!
American by Birth....TEXAN by the grace of God!  I am the Texas Ambassador to Ohio.

1974 CB750 "La Cabrona"
1977 CB550 "Blue Bonnet"
1982 GL500i "The Grand Old Gal"
2008 CMX250  "The Piglet"
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

Hey, how did it sound? lol, jk. That a 4 into 1 exhaust on that? Should post a video up when you got it all set so you can share the sound with us
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

It sounded great!  

It has a 4 into 2 exhaust.  I will record when I start her up again.  
American by Birth....TEXAN by the grace of God!  I am the Texas Ambassador to Ohio.

1974 CB750 "La Cabrona"
1977 CB550 "Blue Bonnet"
1982 GL500i "The Grand Old Gal"
2008 CMX250  "The Piglet"
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

Sweet, I had a hard time seeing the exhaust in the pics I looked at... Looking forward to it tho
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

Here they are.  Not any that I have seen before.    



American by Birth....TEXAN by the grace of God!  I am the Texas Ambassador to Ohio.

1974 CB750 "La Cabrona"
1977 CB550 "Blue Bonnet"
1982 GL500i "The Grand Old Gal"
2008 CMX250  "The Piglet"
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

wow, those are really different, but cool. are those really the baffles that came with those mufflers or did someone attach a huge nut to the ends of them?
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

I asked my neighbor that same question and he said that it looks like it was added so they could be removed and the baffles changed out or totally removed.  I never seen any like these.  
American by Birth....TEXAN by the grace of God!  I am the Texas Ambassador to Ohio.

1974 CB750 "La Cabrona"
1977 CB550 "Blue Bonnet"
1982 GL500i "The Grand Old Gal"
2008 CMX250  "The Piglet"
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike


   I've got a 3' pipe wrench to fit that,
                            1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal,  Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

Hey Scrappy,don't worry about flooding your bike.You can't! When you work the throttle it is only lifting the slides.Your carburetors dont have accelerator pumps so you are not squirting fuel into the motor by doing that.It just gives it air to breathe...and start! Good job on getting her running
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Re: 1974 CB750K Project Bike

Thanks Shiny.  If it wasn't for the neighbor, I probably would not have got it started.  Now I know.  I'm thinking of getting enough gas to get to temp and have it idle for a bit so see how it behaves.  Until I buy the gauges to measure compression.  I am pretty sure I won't have to tear down the engine and rebuild.  That's great news for me.  I was hoping for that since the bike was put up because of an accident.  Looked like the Vetter fairing and handlebars took the brunt of the hit.  Frame and forks look straight but will verify.

Hey Piute, jury is still out on those nuts......so I may need that wrench!  I still can't figure out the purpose.  Didn't think changing out the baffles happened that often.  
American by Birth....TEXAN by the grace of God!  I am the Texas Ambassador to Ohio.

1974 CB750 "La Cabrona"
1977 CB550 "Blue Bonnet"
1982 GL500i "The Grand Old Gal"
2008 CMX250  "The Piglet"