Very nice job.
Looking myself to do something similar soon. Plan on purchasing an 1100F engine for my 750.
Will tear it down and rebuild it. Also a novice, so time and patience is all I got.
Congratulations on your child, and let me tell you you are doing a great dilligent job.
The pleasure of doing something like this yourself and seing your creation work as intended is incredibly gratifying.
No mechanic, irregardless of experience, will ever pay attention to detail, and do such dilligent job as we would on our own bikes.
Hi, came back to add to my post. I have a question. From inspecting parts, can you tell me or anybody else could discern if the camshaft holder that has the tachometer drive, could it be replaced by a regular camshaft holder ?
Is ask this because I have a plan. Would like to close the tach port on the valve cover, to end any possibility of leaking, in case of going the electronic tachometer route. For that matter I would like using a regular (any of the other camshaft holders) holder so that the opening on valve covér could be closed shut.
Another possibility would be to keep the opening there, but once using a regular camshaft holder ( with no tach drive ) would like to install a small baffle plate next to opening, so that I could install a nipple similar to the crankcase breather nipples, so that the motor could have an extra breather port, on valve cover.
Engine crankcase breather ports, connected to a catch can via ventilation hoses, would meet at said can with this new breather port, via ventilation hose for better engine breathing.
In any case, first thing would be to determine if , in place of the camshaft holder that supports the tach drive,
a regular camshaft holder could take its place.
Good night mate. (perhaps good morning up there in Germany)