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so this will be a pretty boring thread for a while.Its going to take me a couple of months to rebuild the engine.i plan on doing a stripped down bike,a cafe i guess.headlight light,tail light and charging system is all i plan to run for the electricals..i plan on using as much stock parts as possible,but i will be removing the passenger peg mounts and making a rear loop and flipping it up.hard to explain,but imagine a cafe style tail section but without the tail section.just the seat,kinda like how a banana seat on an old schwinn bike looks.anyways,sounds dumb,but youll see.here is a pic of it the day i brought it home.got it for $600 came with a title,engine seized but fairly complete.
Strip down bike ,  seized engine  ,possible big-bore kit,  "" so this will be a pretty boring thread for a while.""
I don't think think so,  Lorts of pictures and let us watch and critazise  ,
Alfa doing a great job on his. BORING  Crazy maybe  GRACK that baby open and take a good look ,rather let others say how to check if you havent already,pull pluggs get some penatrating oil soaking ,put in high gear and roll /rock back n forth once in while as it soaks,TAke yo time unless thats all you have,me I have none.
You have agreat start with looks to be most parts.
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
Banned User
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lol..well im bord i guess.i bought this thing then got hit with a $500 red light ticket and some other stuff so last month sucked..i pretty much stripped it down in 2 weeks..(and broke a few things along the way becuase of my impatience)
thanks for the tip about pb blast and rocking it back and forth in gear..thats exactly what i did..i got it spinning free in about 20 min..i was really tempted to clean it out and try to fire it up,but after looking at the wireing harness(it was toast) i decided to just tear the whole thing down and have a look inside.
(i really like taking things apart and ill take any excuse i can get)
here is a pic of it being stripped
  (no i didnt throw the parts around like those cool guys on tv  everything that im not going to use will be saved and sold or traded)
Ah, a new thread in the build section. Woo Hoo! I love this stuff. 500 buck red light ticket?!?!  I dont feel so bad about my $96 red light ticket now. Cops suck,custom bikes rule.Looking forward to the build!
sweet.yeah im getting stoked too.even more now that tools confirmed those cheap ebay pistons will work.im thinking now i might have the engine rebuilt by the end of next month(instead of 3 like i planned).I just got a pretty decent welder(millermatic 211 with auto set mvp) but i still need to get a bottle for it.i cant wait for the metal fabrication part of this build.thats where it gets fun.I dont have alot of experience but i have made a few things for other bikes.All the work was done at my buds house(hes the guy who has every tool you can think of)..but it feels good to start collecting tools and being able to do stuff in my own garage.
yes cops do suck,but i got the ticket from a camera intersection...its even worse.i turned right on a red light.BAM! $500 bucks..im 27,got my license when i was 15.this was my first ticket ever...
The mayor of West Palm Beach FL got the same kind of ticket. They have footage that would show you stopped first and that should get you out of the ticket. In West Palm they don't give tickets for that anymore. She beat it in court then changed the law! I would at least ask for the film footage.
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 6:53 AM, pat english [via Honda CB750'S] <[hidden email]> wrote:
sweet.yeah im getting stoked too.even more now that tools confirmed those cheap ebay pistons will work.im thinking now i might have the engine rebuilt by the end of next month(instead of 3 like i planned).I just got a pretty decent welder(millermatic 211 with auto set mvp) but i still need to get a bottle for it.i cant wait for the metal fabrication part of this build.thats where it gets fun.I dont have alot of experience but i have made a few things for other bikes.All the work was done at my buds house(hes the guy who has every tool you can think of)..but it feels good to start collecting tools and being able to do stuff in my own garage.
yes cops do suck,but i got the ticket from a camera intersection...its even worse.i turned right on a red light.BAM! $500 bucks..im 27,got my license when i was 15.this was my first ticket ever...
American by birth. Cowboy by choice!
Vero Beach, FL
Its funny that yours was a right on red ticket.So was mine. I told the cop I never saw the the no turn on red sign. We went and looked and it was gone."Apparently it fell down",is what he told me. All I asked was "Are you serious?!". I guess he was. I was informed that as long as I had been living in this area that I sohuld know that was a o turn on red light,regardless if the sign was missing or not.
Thats been nearly two months ago and there is STILL NO SIGN at that intersection!!!
Sorry for the rant,continue with your build thread.I'll hush
Did he put all that on the ticket? Did you fight it? That's BS. All signs have to meet certain requirments even speed and stop signs.
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 6:46 PM, shinyribs [via Honda CB750'S] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Its funny that yours was a right on red ticket.So was mine. I told the cop I never saw the the no turn on red sign. We went and looked and it was gone."Apparently it fell down",is what he told me. All I asked was "Are you serious?!". Â I guess he was. I was informed that as long as I had been living in this area that I sohuld know that was a o turn on red light,regardless if the sign was missing or not.
Thats been nearly two months ago and there is STILL NO SIGN at that intersection!!!
Sorry for the rant,continue with your build thread.I'll hush
 Piute said it best:  "wheres my 10mm?"
Hellbilly-"that is a great way to tell if you have come to your senses, when you start drilling random holes in things... "
LukeM-"Scooters rock, especially when they're in posse formation. "
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
American by birth. Cowboy by choice!
Vero Beach, FL
lol,the build thread has turned into a red light ticket rant...jk,but yeah i looked at the video..i didnt stop at all.I was already dedicated to making the turn,going about 30 when the light turned yellow,downshifted into second,it turned red about 2 inches before i crossed the line...
here it is as a roller and engine up on the table.i recently moved in with the gf and the garage was being used as a storage for x mas decorations and whatever else women think a garage is for..so my work station is kinda under construction.
My bud just called me and asked if i want a complete engine for real cheap.i guess he bought this chopped out bike with a durfee girder and invader wheels,but realized after he got it home that the frame was hacked up and looks beyond repair so hes guna part it out.im getting a complete engine with carbs and the lower section of the frame..real stoked about that.now i can make a decent engine stand out of that frame and i got another set of carbs..the engine is seized but im hoping the head is in better shape then mine.maybe i can do a swap..I really dont need this engine right now but its such a good deal i cant pass it up.
No gunslinger.I didnt fight it. Around here cops remember who you are. If you fight a ticket they write you they will haunt you like a bad ex-gf. I'm 32 and this is my first ticket that ever stuck. I have fought them in the past(whooooloe nother story-long one) and lived to regret it. Roadside searches that last forever....etc...I even got searched in my own driveway one night...another long story.
But,back to the build.Dude,your work bench is way cool! Just try not to burn it down come welding time!lol
thanks!.i scored a sweet miller neon sign recently.starting to look nice..i dont drink,but beer signs are cool.
i dont think ill be welding on that bench.i have this old all steel school desk that i will probly use to weld on.
BOOM!..stripped to the frame.
 I have a sudden urge to consume Mickey's fine malt liquor...I also am starting to like the color green alot? strange subliminal........
lol..you ever drink mongoose beer?its super white trash/bums beer..i dont know if they make it anymore,but when the did it was sweet.they only made 32 oz cans and the art on the can was awesome.It was a mongoose strangling a king cobra snake...(cheap beer killing another cheap beer)..if anyone has a lead on a poster or sign,id be interested...
so while i was cleaning stuff up and stripping the engine,i snapped the head off the sprocket bolt.

No,I dont drink either. That Mongoose sign would be cool! I'll have to look around for that.
Sucks about that bolt.I'd start with heat and left handed drill bits.If that dont work then youre looking at easy outs. But easy outs break so dang bad I hate to use them.All of mine are stubby's at this point  Lots of PB Blaster and lots of heat.Well,not lots of heat,you know what i mean ;)
yeah i can get very impatient when it come to this kinda stuff..i tried drilling it and using an easyout.it broke.i was able to get the easy out,out then i tried drilling it out to almost the right size hole and re taping it.was able to drill it,guess i used the wrong size drill bit,i broke the tap off too..i realize im making myself sound dumb,but seriously never had this much trouble with a bolt before.
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