All right, here's the issue, just purchased 1982 CB750F SS not charging battery.
I have read a lot of post and such regarding this issue but haven't ever really gotten a good answer as to why the thing doesn't work.
I have charged the battery 12v, holds that after several days.
checked continuity on stator, all three read good. Checked voltage from stator while running, plenty of AC charge (can't recall the exact reading)
brushes have plenty left, if not brand new.
while running battery reads 13-14v when given a little throttle (would lead me to believe the R/R is doing its job)
checked for corroded grounds, doesn't seem to be any. (i have yet to actually pull the DVM out again and check to ground)
one device that i did find, that i cant single out on the wiring diagram for the life of me, here - this little round thing with a Grey, Green/White, and Dark Green (ground) coming off of it. Problem is the Dg (assuming this is the ground) isn't grounded. I don't know what this thing is or if it needs to be grounded or not so if anyone knows what im talking about, info would be appreciated.
if anyone has any ideas, that can keep me from inevitably replacing the whole charging system and still have the issue, it would be greatly appreciated.
Btw, I'm actually a Electrical Controls Designer, so don't be afraid to use big words.