You did not say anything that could help me to help you find the problem.
For instance "72/74 CB750." What does that mean??? 72 carbs 74 engine? 72 engine and carbs and 74 frame?
74 engine and carbs and 1972 frame???? Cheeeesshhh.
The #3 carb. "First, it was overflowing (I adjusted the float), then it seemed to develop a bloakage and no fuel was making it to the bowl......"
You need to put in 4 brand new float needs and seats. You cannot adjust or clean a worn out float needle. Either it works or it does not work. If it is more than 2 years old it probably needs replacing.
You need to buy a workshop manual.
The float level is determined by the type and year of the CB750 carb.
The 1972 or 1974 carb was 26mm or 1.023 thousandths. Measured with a ruler or a float gauge.
Clymers manual Illustration #13, Chapter SIX, Page #125.
You may have surging if the float levels are off.
You may need rejetting too.
But I need all the fact to help you.
Do you have the 657A carbs or the #7A carbs.
On a Roadstar Adventure.