I figured I would join in on the fun of posting my progress, mostly so I can stay on track and keep a record of what all Ive done. So here she is in all her not-ready-for-recycling-yet glory:

Ive already rewired the majority of it. Still have some bugs to work out(the blinkers dont blink and the horn doesnt horn) but Ive replaced all the electrical components, replaced the carb overflow tubes with 1/4" x .0170" polyethylene tubing, replaced the center stand (so easy a small Japanese man on an assembly line can do it) and done a bit of general cleaning.
I pulled the airbox to check and see if the filter was any good, a nice new K & N was smiling back at me when I opened it up, but unfortunately the seal fell apart. I can only assume that a seal is necessary for 2 reasons. One, to keep dirt from bypassing the filter and entering the box through the portion where the top piece meets the bottom piece. And two, factories dont spend money if they dont have to.

So off to Lowes I went and found something suitable to make a seal, yet small enough to fit.

With new seal in hand I got to testing a fit:

And measuring it out (3' if you need to know that):

And cutting 2 slits up the backside so it will fit on the lip without deforming too much or slipping off:

And fitting it on top:

Trim that last little bit off, some super glue and I have a new seal for a ridiculously cheap price!
Total cost:
$5.37 for 17' of weather stripping
3' of that at $0.31 a foot
Comes out to $0.93 for an airbox seal vs $24.99 for a NOS version on Ebay. And I have enough left over that I can do the attic door and save some money on heating/cooling costs in the home PLUS plenty to make a new seal when this stuff wears down in a few years. TIGER BLOOD!