Okay.Updates and corrections...
First things first-my bike will NOT do 120 in 2nd. My bad,my apologies.Sorry.No excuses,I was just plain wrong.

I got the Trapster to download-which is awesome!!!-and taped it to my tach to check my speedo's accuracy.I checked it at 10mph increments.Heres what i got:
10-50 mph= 2mph fast i.e.-if my speedo reads 50 im only doing 48
60-120 mph=3 mph fast i.e.-if my speedo reads 120 im only doing 117
I could not test above 120 mph cuz my book bag started doing funky things on my back and felt like it wanted to pull me off the bike to my left.*pucker*
I lingered at each speed for several seconds.Not sure the exact amount of time,but enough to let the Trapster get settled in.
After checking my speedo I removed my phone from the tach and tested each gear for rpms on my way back home. I took the book bag off and left it by a road sign during this part of the test. This is what each gear is worth at 9500rpm which is where the redline is on my tach.
1st gear-55mph
2nd gear-95mph
3rd gear-125mph
4th gear-just wont go past 138 or so.
The first pass in fourth gear it seemed to top out at about 128-132.Not sure,I got a little wobble and aborted. I was in normal riding position.
The second pass in fourth I got low as I could.Knees,elbows and toes tucked in tight.Elbows pulled in tight to my sides and chin right on the gas tank.My chin buckled scratched my freshly painted tank a little but hey,it was in the name of science. I also tucked my jeans down in my socks cuz they were flapping around real bad on the previous pass.
With everything all tucked in tight the bike topped out right at 138,give or take 1mph or so.Given my speedo is a tad off I guess you could call it 135 +/- 1mph. Maybe not. We'll try again with a camera recording the data while I concentrate on driving.
That being said my sprockets are slightly deeper than stock. Stock calls for 18/45 mine are 18/48.Very slight difference in final drive ratio. But a stock bike SHOULD be able to have a higher mph per gear/rpm than me. According to the math at least.
18/45= a 2.5 final drive
18/48= a 2.666 final drive.
That 0.166 difference is probably only worth a few hundred rpms at best.Dont hold me to that,I havent done the math on that yet.
Sorry for the confusion earlier guys.Again,my bad