Re-run wrote
As for the shake, you have a number of causes. Your tire could be cupped or otherwise damaged, even if you can see it. If it is out of round a bit or out of balance, you can have issues.
Your rim could be out of round, you need a dial gauge to check this but it would be a good idea, especially if you have spokes.
head bearings could be bad even if they do not feel like it. A quick test would be to sit the bike on the center stand and put weight on the back to raise the front tire. Slowly rotate the bars back and forth and feel for any notching. You should also be able to set the bars just off of center on either side and they should turn that direction on their own with very little pressure. If not, new tapered bearings are in order.
Some new fork oil might be in order too. If the levels are of from each other, dampening can be affected.
And finally, the road you were on, did it have rain grooves cut into it or wheel tracks? Your bike might be fine and those damn things can cause wobbles.
A cheap stabilizer is not a bad idea though but check and correct any issues first.
Just got done checking the things you mentioned Rerun
Drained and replaced the fork oil. To the best of my ability the are filled evenly.The oil that was in there only had about 4k miles on it so I dont think it was beat up too bad.Still looked clean.
Steering bearings seem ok. No notching. Bars will fall to the left like you explain,but not to the right. I noticed that the clump of wires i have on the left side of the steering neck are moving when I turn right,so I attribute that to not falling to the right since it feels very smooth.
Front rim has .030" run-out on both side to side and up and down
Rear rim has .025" run-out side to side & .060" up and down.
Is this with in specs? The .060" seems a bit much to me
Tires are still practically brand new. I looked them over good for grooves,cups or chunks missing. Visually I do not see any defects. I ran a couple laps of masking tape around the center of the tread trying to keep it smooth as possible to check the run-out of the tire vs the rim. It was kinda of a hokie test and didnt really produce any results. It did not reveal any major run-out issues at least,but i really couldnt get a good way to run the dial indicator across it.Best I can tell the tire follows the rim fairly well.
I'm hoping my occasional wobble is just road related and a stabilizer will correct since it is intermittent and rare. I've been over 100 mph probably 15-20 times and it has only wobbled 3 or 4 times at most. Once I know was more than likely road related.Tar snake.
That .060" on the rear has me concerned to be honest. Any thoughts?