Mobil 1 Syth in '74 CB750?

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Mobil 1 Syth in '74 CB750?

Creative Film Cars
Hey everybody,

Have you guys had any issues using Mobil 1 Synth motorcycle oil in a CB750 (I have a '74 K4)? Is there anything special I need to do to change over?

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Re: Mobil 1 Syth in '74 CB750?

Mobil 1 is a great oil for the money. I would be concerned with the synthectic oil effecting the clutch friction plates however. I've heard this is an issue with some newer bikes. You might check with your local dealer's service department.
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Re: Mobil 1 Syth in '74 CB750?

In reply to this post by Creative Film Cars
This is the message I got from Royal Purple about there synth oil.
The RP 15W40 will work fine in a wet clutch assuming that the motorcycle clutch was set up to use a multiweight SAE 40 wt oil.
Being a synthetic has nothing to do with it in the case of RP oils.
If the 750 was set up to run on an SAE 30 Wt - using a heavier oil might make the clutch slip due to the thicker oil film.  This would only be aggravated by using a synthetic due to the flatter viscosity curve of the oils.
Conversely, using a lighter oil might make the clutch grab if set up for a thicker oil.
You should be fine with the RP 15W40 or any of our other products in the correct viscosity grade for the application as we do not use solids or excessive amounts of polymers which can have an adverse clutch operation.
Royal Purple Inc
David Canitz
1 Royal Purple Lane
Porter, TX  77365
281.354.7600 fax
713.725,7207 cell
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Re: Mobil 1 Syth in '74 CB750?

In reply to this post by GTP
Should have no problems...The 'cycle' designated oil is fine for the wet clutch.  Don't use the car variety, or anything that ever says 'energy conserving' on the SAE label.  Rotella makes a good, cheap syntehtic that works well with a wet clutch.  The concern with syn vs conv in older motors can be seals...That being that some of the seals won't like the new syn.  I've read in some other places that these old honda motors don't really have a problem in that dept.  
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Re: Mobil 1 Syth in '74 CB750?

Thanks for the info.